Good post, Moskau! I forgot completely to mention this earlier but I have special rules for vision and hearing, ah, types. Default visions are normal light, low light and dark. Normal light is what we all see normally. Nothing special. Dark vision is the ability to see in pitch black with no light source bit suffer from light blindness during the day; basically a reversal of light vision. Low light is like cat’s eyes. Lowligjt vision can enhance small amounts of light to see at night and such. Low light does not let people see in pitch black and makes you vulnerable to sudden drastic changes in luminosity (bright to dark or dark to bright) as the eyes try to adjust. Low light especially is vulnerable at dusk and dawn when the light changes. Hearing is considered “Normal” unless you have a good biological or magical reason. Cute pointed little ears do not give you better than normal hearing. If you want greater hearing, that cones with vulnerability to sudden loud noises like bells (especially bells) and increased fatigue and/or headaches from being in or around crowds and a tendency for sounds to run together when in a loud busy area. Because I didn’t bring this up until now, you guys get to decide what vision or hearing you have. Anybody can pick up low light if they want. Only the tiefling and orc can pick up dark vision.