[quote=@Vertigo] Definitely interested! [/quote] I would be very glad to have you. [@Finris] I will create a new RP thread and explain the character setup in the OOC. You do not necessarily need to be a thief or rogue, you could be any sort of criminal, or unjustly accused person. The basis of the rp is to be set upon a motley lot of underachievers, or persons who are under their luck, if you will? An underdog on all counts. They will (or should) get better over time and grow as a group. Almost any archetype shall do, though I would like to keep magic users (like full blown wizards, etc) to a minimum. Magic will be sparse, and the magic used should be hardly above parlor tricks, potions, and magical agents like dusts and concoctions, things like that. Shadowbending, incantations, all very minor.. Nothing like lightning bolts and fireballs, or elementals, etc. I would allow minor healing abilities and things like that, but nothing like Gandalf hurling waves of crazy magic or anything. More like Pirates of the Caribbean type setting, where you might encounter magical beasts and witchery, but nothing LOTR in feel. If that makes sense. I should have the new rp thread up in a couple of hours and I will provide those interested with the link. very excited to get started.