[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/779b97e0-fa35-49b1-991d-8b422ee0436e.jpg[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1d40d53d-e34f-4934-92d5-6941051836ed.png[/img][/center] [color=fff79a] Guillian was a major port city, much like Y’Vanna’s home city of Avondyllac, though it dwarfed it in size. It was a major trading hub in the Lands o’ the Nine, and brought goods and commodities alike to the people in all corners of the empire. Salts and spices, dyes, fruits and vegetables, and many hard to get delicacies that were succulent in nature all came together here. The Lands o’ the Nine were vast, and stretched far and wide over mountains and valleys and kissed the seas that surrounded it. Most anything the mind could conjure could be found in the Nines.. Guillan was also a cultural hub, as it sat almost dead center in the seat of the empire, it was also the capital. All walks of life exchanged daily routine and custom, as well as religion. There were all sorts from any class thinkable. From the high ups and prominent patrons to the very vile and malicious scrapers at the bottom. There were plenty of this last lot. There were uncountable alleys and nooks within Guillan and not one of them was without it's share of undesirables. This worked both for and against Y’Vanna as it was in these numbers that her ability to blend in came from, but it was also this lot that [i]was[/i] her competition. There was one thing to be true, there were thieves aplenty in Guillan. It was probably one of the thickest professions in the port city, next to the whore and songwrite… No matter though, not to Y’Vanna at least. She had a decent enough hand at it to get by. Her father had other intentions for her, and had he still been alive her life would have most likely went in [i]another[/i] direction. Delicate fingers traced over the marks on the back of her neck, as her thoughts shifted back and forth like waves in a turbulent sea. No time to get caught in her feelings she thought, as she sniffled and tugged for a small pouch tucked in her waist. She quickly found it and pulled it out, repositioning herself on the bench to take full advantage of the small nook of the corner. She pulled from the bag a small vial of very pale blue powder, so pale it almost had no color at all. Constables were everywhere, walking this way and that. Y'Vanna would have to be tidy about it. She pulled its cork and put a bit under her nail and put it to her nostril. The “[i]dust[/i]” as it was referred to was bountiful in Guillan. Another thing that Guillan was good for.. Didn’t have to go far to find the premium stuff. “[i]Dust[/i]” was a potent stimulant, and was popular with the scrapers and the likes. A dangerous vice to say the least, and it was very addictive in nature, and had claimed many a better man than she.. But as it was Y'Vanna was no [i]little[/i] girl. She’d had her nose full of it for the better half of a decade now, and she didn’t see an end to it any time soon. The powder soon hit, and her eyes widened as the sweet rush came on. Y'Vanna was keen on using it, especially after a good stent with the grog. She always kept a bit put back just for times like this. She knew it was a nasty habit, but it was like a consort that she couldn’t seem to kick, [i]or[/i] a leftover remnant from her days with the pirates that took her on after her father was killed. The markings on her neck nearly vibrated from the thought. Perhaps it was the [i]dust[/i].. The twang of it hit her throat and her eyes widened even more as she tucked the vial back into her waist. She ran her tongue across the back of her teeth and the cloudiness from the grog soon gave way to alertness. Y'Vanna was as sharp as a hewing axe.. The night would soon take the sky and she would embark on this new and enticing [i]“proposition”[/i]. [color=f7941d][b] "On with it [i]V[/i][/b]."[/color] She said to herself, a determined and inspirational sentiment. A firm brow and a stern look now fell upon her. "[b][i]V[/i][/b]" was a little nickname that had always kind of seemed to loom around her. It wasn't an official or given name but rather just seemed to float to the surface over time, and once that happened it spread like the plague. Her leather pants and boots wretched as she stood, She straightened her attire and sniffed again, and looked in both directions sporadically whilst running a finger across where the vial was stashed to make sure for the last time that it was securely in place, before turning to left. Her boots fell briskly to the cobble stones below as she turned down Albacore street heading towards the docks and shipyard. To her future to come. Y'Vanna had a feeling that [i]something[/i] very big was going to happen in her life this night. One that would surely change her course in one way or another. She thought upon this but a moment before it dwindled like ash in her mind. She welcomed a change, be it good or not.[/color] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1d40d53d-e34f-4934-92d5-6941051836ed.png[/img][/center]