[center][h1][color=green]Minerva Malfoy[/color][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/8d3ba1a344c8b772611b61ce0fa3419d44cbc64f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f423044454e586f626d64777848773d3d2d3533323935333032352e313531313863333038663962363833643633363737323836383930312e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Minerva couldn't help but feel mesmerized on the very view before her. The castle was humongous, and the closer they got to the structure, it got even bigger. At the same time, she heard Draco's words, and she felt his hand possessively run through her hair, before feeling his lips make contact with her own, once more. It was his way of saying, that he was going to protect her; look out for her. The darkness seemed to completely envelope them, making it nearly impossible for anyone to notice them making such moves towards each other. It was only when he pulled away, that she started to grow concerned, especially when she might be able to make friends. Draco was already capable of keeping people at a certain amount of distance from his twin, and so, she didn't want to think on what kind of measures he would take upon their new residents. If Minerva was to reassure him, then he would need to trust her; that nothing would happen to her, and that she was able to handle herself. Their carriage had pulled up to the entrance of their new home, and a man opened the door to let them out. Around the entrance, there were a group of adults with their wands in-hand, as if they were on-guard. Perhaps extra security, due to the international Death Dealer threats. The very thought had Minerva downcast her eyes for a slight moment, as she thought about the chances and risks on the road to their success. As she had already thought before, they would have to be discreet. Reaching down to grab her bag, Minerva waited for Draco to step out first, so she would follow after him. They were told that their heavy luggage would arrive in the quarters of their dorms, while they were to go to the dining hall for an evening meal. On the back of her mind, she wondered if she would see the brunette, from earlier on the train, in the same dorm. Would she end up being roommates with her? It became a continuous thought, by the time the twins started to make their way into the castle. [color=39b54a]"It's beautiful"[/color], she breathed out, once she saw the wonders hidden inside.