[center][hr][hr] [h1][color=0080ff]Niah Bautista[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/iQrARFe4PkWt2/giphy.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] New York Sanctum [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [hr][/center] Niah winced slightly as Goose leaped from her shoulder, she then rotated her shoulder stretching it. He was a good cat...or whatever he was. She wasn't certain if she completely trusted his opinion, but she guessed if he was gonna rub up on Scarlet Witch that way then he probably trusted her, with whatever metric he used to decide with people he trusted. While Niah had proven she was decent at infiltration due to her powers, she still wasn't a fighter not in her core. She had spent the last months instead learning about Quantum Physics and with that knowledge she was frustratingly the expert on the subject. A frown crossed her face, it was stupid. She had always been intimidated by Novikova because of how intelligent she was and now here Niah was struggling to understand Novikova's subject in hopes that she could save her, and everyone else who had died. [color=0080ff]"Well I guess us brilliant minds will get to work on the other project, and those of you less science minded people can get to work on that."[/color] Niah vaguely said quietly and then added even more under her breath [color=0080ff]"Hopefully one of us succeeds."[/color] She moved over to Dr. Banner and nodded at him. [color=0080ff]"I've got a couple of ideas I've been thinking over."[/color]