[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/383674146426454019/571181935875850241/Sieglinde.png[/img] (District 19) [@HereComesTheSnow][/center] [color=darkgoldenrod]"Ngh."[/color] Was Sieglinde's only answer, at first, as the abnormality confirmed her pizza supplier's observation. The thing didn't just hurt to look at, or hear; every one of her senses told her that it was wrong. Her Eye agreed, imparting with its foresight a sense of something amiss. The sound didn't affect her as badly as Ryu-kun, but only because she had the time to steel herself. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Not dead, Ryu-kun, and you're not going to be for a long time yet. If you can, I need you to grab my bike. We might need to book it fast."[/color] The way the air around it reacted, charged and volatile, touching it with her bare skin seemed like a very bad idea. It wasn't going to stand around, either, not for very long. She needed a weapon. Not for the first time she wished she had brought something more potent into the country with her, but there was no time to think about that now. No time for subtlety, either, she would have to explain things to Ryu-kun when the danger had passed. Lo and behold, the Eye warned her it would charge in moments and she reacted preemptively to push the high school aside and jump back herself. A pace, then two, distance enough to buy her a little time. Her eye had alighted on the stop sign behind her, and it would serve to slay this foe without another option. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Allfather says you don't belong, beast,"[/color] The Nordic woman taunted, intent on keeping its focus on her. Her hand hit the post behind her with unerring precision as though she could see it without looking. She grasped it with the other, as well, and twisted hard; the weather-beaten metal gave way reluctantly, rust that might have taken years to fell it giving way under the force and leaving her with six feet, give or take, of metal ending in a broad flat surface on one end and jagged metal on the other. Not very comfortable to hold, perhaps, but beggars couldn't be choosers. She held it low and close, point towards the beast to spear if it charged and the flat to the rear prepared to slap it aside if that was more prudent. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Tis I who may choose the slain, jötunn, not you."[/color] When she spoke again, her bright voice had gained a sharper edge that hummed like singing steel. A harmonic in tune with the lilting cadence of her speech, speaking of poise as well as power. [color=darkgoldenrod]"And it is not my time to die. Nor Ryu-kun's." "So come on, then! Try your luck!"[/color]