The body was left behind, AI had wanted her to scavenge the corpse of anything valuable. However, after a bit of inspection the only thing was the armor and it wouldn't fit her frame. The good Sergeant was about six two or so. The bullet holes meant that it wouldn’t hold vacuum, and also… dead people were in it. Taking armor in a video game had seemed easy enough a few clicks and you were stronger. In the Real there were brains and… stink left after death. Regardless, the small rooms along the unlit hallway were all sealed by the lockdown and her strength couldn't push the doors open. If there was power, perhaps a button or arm scan or something of the sort would get her through. Alas, no power to be found so she continued on, trying one door after another to see if there was ANYTHING. No luck, though perhaps the lack of luck was actually great fortune. Imagine if you opened the door and something terrible was in there. AI was, unsuccessfully, running repair programs trying to get some of the lost and corrupted data back. That map would be infinitely more helpful. Or a 'You are here' map, but apparently those had gone to the wayside with the advent of some high technology of sorts. In her case, the schematics and GPS location should be in her head. She could pull up a map… and find out where she was at any time. Of course, FIB would have none of that. Her optics picked up movement ahead and she paused… [i]"AI, playback whatever we just saw and magnify it if you can."[/i] No response came, but the image in her right eye was replaced by a playback loop of a small… thing skittering across the floor. No heat signature but appeared human…ish from this distance. Okay… control your breath, back up reeeeaaaaly slowly, and most importantly, be careful not to fuck up by stepping on something. The 45 minutes of walking and checking turned into an hour long return back to Sergeant Whatever His Name Had Been, she kept hearing a skittering sound and was looking back over her shoulder to make sure nothing was actually following. Once back at the body she pushed him through and forced the doors closed… with a screeching… well screech. After they were closed the sounds stopped leaving her alone in silence with only her breath to be heard. "Fucking great," she whispered and leaned back against the door. Four hours in and backtracking to avoid nightmares.