Hal-Neesa chuckled ever so briefly, still keeping her eyes locked on Fendros'. For the moment, at least, she was not acting as if she was annoyed by Fendros' questioning, though one could never know what might prompt her to abruptly change her mood. "How perceptive. He does not fit with my court. At least, not in our philosophy. I do not [i]worship[/i] Molag Bal. I deal with him. Service, for knowledge. I gained my superior Vampiric form long before I entered Molag Bal's service. I have every reason to believe that he possesses information that could help a mortal achieve their perfection and surpass the gods, much as the likes of Vivec or Talos. The lord I currently serve may hold the secret to a power that he, ironically, may not possess by his very nature as a divine being. Only mortalkind has that potential." "Your wife has an open mind, a strong will, and the power to delve deeply into the study of Aurbis. She would be well-suited to my court; It is a life of far greater purpose than any other you could possibly hope to have. Of course, there are many others like her among those in my service. She is not a unique person, and I am far from 'needing' her, but she would fare well in my court, regardless." Neesa paused, taking the final sip of her tea, then placing the cup down gently next to the half-rotten head of the soon-to-be thrall. "I just wonder...would you?"