[center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6eb176aa-5b83-4c2a-823a-e72b7e6130f2/dbu02ld-6e60b8e5-32a6-43e5-9189-b662af393094.jpg/v1/fill/w_1131,h_707,q_70,strp/industrialized___sci_fi_corridor_by_boldcat_dbu02ld-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MzAwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZlYjE3NmFhLTViODMtNGMyYS04MjNhLWU3MmI3ZTYxMzBmMlwvZGJ1MDJsZC02ZTYwYjhlNS0zMmE2LTQzZTUtOTE4OS1iNjYyYWYzOTMwOTQuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTQ4MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.YqL0YElPU-GFZXc9gW0X0nyhZ2me78RbKi24qHt6otE[/img] You are Cordially Invited is a sci fi exploration of a life without rights under massive regime who is intent to fine you until you are dead, then fine your next of kin for your neglection of duties via you dying. You and a few others make up the brave ZELTA crew who must explore, combat, interact with and generally mess around within a null sector. A claimed part of space that has a border defined but it's inside barely explord due to a massive death ratio. If a dangerous and unknown seemingly infinite rift of space with KD ration that would make an untamed Austrailia sweat isn't enough, you got a super augmented security party enforcer on board, an A.I thinking god knows what and an Overseer who is your legal judge, jury and executioner. You've all been roped into this position for one reason or another and now you got to ultimately learn to work together if you ever hope to have a life to return to at the end of your contract. ZELTA crew really needs a full crew to work and so far I got two people that are interested. There are multiple roles with multiple possibilities for equipment and RP. Here's a list: [hider=ZELTA CREW] Captain: Supposedly has authority but got to work under the overseer and AI most of the time. Naturally if either of your direct superiors fuck up only you will be punished. The bridge between the crew and the authority. Engineer: In charge of making sure the ship don't explode. Gets requested to do stupid or insane stuff half the time. Unsurprisingly has lower records of survivial than military units. Security: Soft Coded mutated, augmented monsters. Typically a trusted or aspiring member of the inner authority special club. a "part of the crew" that is until he crushes their skulls with his bare hands for not following the latest authority order. Medical: In charge of making sure the crew dosen't die. Get's fined for "waste of resources" when a crew member dies, also gets fined for waste of resources for using resources to save crew members. A good way to make sure you don't have to actually pay your skilled medical staff. Janitoral: Janitors are mandatory but low enough in rank for no one to really care about 'em. They have a tendency to be spys..revolutionaries...mutants...generally crazy shit. It dosen't help that if a janitor isn't something nuts he'll be mutated somehow into one via exposure to hazardous material. AI: Follows direct commands from the authority. Also confers constantly with the overseer. Total sociopaths, they'll have any feelings that permitted by their current laws or objectives. One moment they can love you like a mother, next they can start terminating you coldly becaus the crew have been deemed too suspect. Direct Overseer: Inner party member of the authority. Know he can fuck your life up forever, most do. They have total legal authority on any ship and the A.I generally follows their lead-unless it conflcits with laws or orders-nothing like being forced to pay a 99999 dollar fine with no trial because you told the overseer to go fuck himself. Citizen: No idea how these guys get on board. Sometimes they are being transported, sometimes they are VIP workers for the authority. Sometimes funny enough they pay to go on a geniune space adventure. Military: Lightly augmented humans who acts as the actual crew right arm. They aren't as heavily augmented or powerful as the security guard but they make up for it with training and armory access. Typically pirates, bandits, prisoners ectr ectr who got roped via debt or threatened imprisonment. In the event all of zelta crew dies a new crew will be assembled with the next number up in name over and over unil the dying ceases. [/hider] You'll all have the power to vote on your ship, it's utilities and your beginning route. Ontop of this all roles have certain iotems they can buy at the start-or if you hate doing stuff like that. You can buy a box of crap which means I give you random stuff- Here is the link to the original IC if you want to learn more. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/178270-you-are-cordially-invited-to-get-fucked-a-sensible-rp-for-the-pessimist/ooc#post-4906308 [/center]