[h2]Astrid[/h2] "It's just... I was always told when flying that no one can command the wind. Even VeĆ°rriddari could not fight the strongest of winds, and he.... Oh he was magnificent." Astrid nearly teared up as she thought about her mount and then looked over at Sumi as she explained that this place felt their essence a bit. "I suppose that does make sense?" She shrugged a bit as she finished off her granola bar and was about to ask Alexander another question when Sumi asked about magic. "I do. Valkeries have access to it and we use it. I... know about lay lines as well. It is one of the ways we find our way to the Tree when we need to use it to travel." Astrid sighed a bit as she set down her bag and then felt the air around them a bit. "This place has more Magic than Earth does, so that will make it easier." She reached around her neck and unfastened the necklace from around her neck. She gently took her spear pendent off and she ran her hand along it until she found the little knot on it. Soon, the spear was growing to it's full length, and Astrid was using the tip of it to trace a rune into the ground as she muttered to herself. [hr] [h2]Katalina[/h2] Katalina had been watching with interest the others in their little rag-tag group. It was obvious that Astrid had many questions to ask Alex, but now was not the time to get to know one another. She did hope for their sake they would get some time later. She was thankful the younger girl, okay younger and older at the same time, had some knowledge of magic. The most magic Katalina knew about was the oyster in her pocket. Other than that, she was a warrior, a fighter. She wouldn't know how to use magic if it bit her in the butt. "So, ley lines... this is what you guys were talking about earlier?" She looked up at Kade at that point.