[quote=@Stabby] Samantha: Thank you. Suzy: So, how are we going to do this? Salvador: Well, I'm obviously taking on training for the Spiritual power and Ki. There's no reason for me not to. Samantha: Alright. I'll probably start training in Spirit Power and Nen, since I can help Suzy train in Nen later while learning to heal you both. Suzy: Then I'm chill with just training in this Emotional Energy stuff, since I can just ask you both for lessons later. Salvador: Don't expect me to go easy on you later then. Suzy: *Grins, a wild look in my eye.* Wouldn't dream of it. Samantha: *Shakes my head, but just turns to you both.* I guess that's all sorted out then. [/quote] Well, the first step in all of them is to achieve a state of powerful meditation, so if you'll follow Jack he'll get you started. *Jack begins walking towards a back room* [quote=@Nimda] [@The World] *Makes my way to the coordinates* Excuse me, hello? [/quote] Hello and welcome~!