[img]http://jolstatic.fr/www/captures/1895/8/78468.jpg[/img] [hider=OoC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] Several paragraphs [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] Definitely. [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] If it’s readable and interesting, it’s fine in my eyes. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Combat and character development. I’m fond of banter as well. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Toxic roleplayers. Ex: The ones who get offended in real life about things happening to or said about their character during a roleplay. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Nope. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] All depends on how the story goes. [/hider] [hider=Peacekeepers Holonet Ad] [b] Name: [/b] Jor’Kai Aurvandi [b] Species: [/b] Human [b] Homeworld: [/b] Tatooine [b] Age: [/b] 32 [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Specialisation: [/b] Piloting [b] Current area of operation: [/b] Tatooine [/hider] [hider=Peacekeepers Holonet Metadata Summary] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] For a bounty hunter, Jor’Kai is one known for keeping his appearances. Standing at a full height of 1.88 meters (6’2 for my U.S friends), Jor’Kai walks with a presence that conveys absolute confidence. With a set of He shifts between having a completely shaven face or a bit of a stubble depending on the workload of the day. For a man in as a questionable “career path” as Jor’Kai, his fair skin has a distinct lack of visible scarring. Consistent exercise and self-defense training following his leave from the military has rewarded him with a lean physique and respectable strength. When it comes to his usual wear, Jor’Kai prefers wearing a brown, fur coat, dark grey pants, and a pair of black boots. Underneath his coat is a vest reliable enough in stopping a blaster bolt or two from doing him in alongside the twin holsters on his waists where his blaster pistols can be found. Atop his head lies a hat with a pair of goggles attached to it. [h3][sub]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.[/sub][/h3] A pilot by trade, a swindler by heart, and a gunslinger by necessity, Jor’Kai is a man who’s built upon his talents and picked up a number of skills with every unique turn in his life. Piloting, the maintenance of such crafts, and anything in between encompass an area of expertise that some argue is Jor’Kai’s best field. He found his knack for handling vehicles early in his life, having been raised around them since the day he could remember. It only made sense for the boy who fell in love with flying ships to turn to doing that for a reliable salary which led him to enlisting in the Republic’s Navy. Apart from flying and fixing ships, Jor’Kai is a man with a silver tongue, finding the task of talking him out of a situation an easy thing. He’s managed to weave stories, con businessmen, and talk down trigger-happy gunmen in his years since becoming a bounty hunter, though his most difficult task to date was building enough respect with Gleetch Elnam for the Rodian to not blast Jor’Kai in the back if things ever went wrong on a job. As mentioned before Jor’Kai is quite talented with a blaster. He has to be considering he’s competent enough with them to accurately hit targets using two blasters at once. In combat, Jor’Kai is very much a technical fighter, using the environment, gadgets, and plain ol’ improvisation to take down an opponent should a fight ever get past the initial exchange of blaster fire. Though not particularly exciting, his time having to deal with those of other species has had him pick up a basic understanding over a number of species. Helpful for negotiations but amusing when he overhears his partner Gleetch curse out an employer in Rodian. [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/sub][/h3] Having been raised around a mechanic’s lifestyle for most of his childhood, Jor’Kai received a parental education on vehicle maintenance and general engineering. The Republic Navy gave Jor’Kai his formal training when it came to marksmanship, explosives, starfighter combat, and the basics of combat and sustainability in the field that every soldier should know. His experiences in combat range from fighting starfighter-to-starfighter in the confines of space while enlisted in the Republic Navy to exchanging gunfire with rival mercenaries and bounty hunters in the alleys of backwater planets. Suffice to say, he’s become quite calloused to fighting as a whole...and pretty good at it. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts. [/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.[/sub][/h3] Jor’Kai’s list of rivals and enemies has remained small throughout all these years on account of his silver tongue and preference on eliminating growing rivals without a second thought. [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including subordinates.[/sub][/h3] Over the years, Jor’Kai has worked alongside a number of bounty hunters and thugs. The longest crew mates he’s worked alongside are the two he’s working alongside now: -Gleetch Elman: Maniac, Rodian, and an incredible blaster-fighter. All things that Jor’Kai would hate to have to face off against. For the most part, he trusts this Rodian enough to not gun him down during a job...though just barely. He’s interesting enough company to have around during boring contracts and long-flights. -Bluurok: The reason why Jor’Kai respects Houks as much as he dislikes them. While Jor’Kai doesn’t know much (or anything) about Bluurok’s past, he does know that the man is akin to a force of nature when given a weapon. He’s intimidating even without a blade in his hands, often saying little and doing as he’s told without much complaint. Jor’Kai still doesn’t fully believe that Bluurok wouldn’t stab him and Gleetch in the back though. [h3][sub]List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.[/sub][/h3] -“Rodia’s Revenge”: An unidentified freighter class, this vehicle serves as a makeshift base of operations for the ‘trio.’ This ship is fairly average with nothing standing out, making it perfect for not attracting unwanted attention. Although, this probably won’t bode well when they are caught. -x1 Blaster Carbine -x2 Blaster Pistols -x1 Wrist Link -x1 Flash Grenade: [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of Bounty Hunter.[/sub][/h3] Jor’Kai is described by some people as being a sometimes kind, always charismatic man who can get along with most. Those same have yet to crack the veil that is Jor’Kai’s facade. Underneath his silver-tongued ways is a man with a disdain for most, disgusted especially by those not human but fortunately disciplined enough to hide it. Though the bounty hunter is capable of understanding the problems of others, he does not care for them. He sees swindling as a way of exploiting those bewitched by his words and would not think twice about shooting a begging man should he stand in the way of his success. The few instances of genuine emotion that can be seen from our roguish bounty hunter are often glimpses of the arrogance he hides. That confidence of his has stemmed into a sort of cockiness which naturally has often caused Jor’Kai to act more reckless than normal. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] -Arrogance: As stated previously, Jor’Kai has had his fair share of brazen moves caused by nothing more than an inflated sense of being able to take on anything the cosmos has to throw at him. This has led him to biting off more than he could show at times or heading into a situation without proper planning. -Speciesist : Though not a known flaw, Jor’Kai holds a natural disdain for those who aren’t human, making it a difficult task for him to trust one, much less befriend one. [h3][sub]Known interests of the Bounty Hunter.[/sub][/h3] -The creation of technology and the engineering involved with it has long since been an interest of Jor’kai’s. Had he grown up during different circumstances, it’d be very likely that the man would be spending his days inside of a workshop rather than whatever bargain-bin smuggler ship he got himself on today. -Fighting is a darker well of joy for Jor’Kai, finding the thrill of being in the neck of things more enjoyable than terrifying. Though he has a preference to dogfighting in the skies, he’ll be content enough having a reason to gun someone down, so long as it doesn’t stain his image. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] -Noted to have been an incredibly accomplished fighter pilot during his time in the Republic Navy. -Has shown early potential as a competent bounty hunter. -One of the main participants in the assassination of infamous pirate captain, Joh-Aek. [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] -Pursued a fleeing enemy overzealously, leading to the death of two of his fellow Squadron Pilots. -Gunned down fellow Bounty Hunter Herg'Orchar during an active contract, alerting their target of their position and causing her to flee. “He went for his blaster after we “discussed” our pay. You know how those Duros can be.” [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3] [i]The following is a file taken from a recording device used as target practice after use[/i] Huh...this thing on? ~Tap tap~ Oh, okay. The light’s green. Alright, where to start… Hey, the name’s Jor’Kai, a golden-hearted rogue and pilot extraordinaire. You might be wondering to yourself, ‘Hey, why does [i]THE[/i] Jor’Kai Aurvandil have an audio recording’? Well stranger, it’s simple. My therapist recommended I make one. Here I’ll be detailing all of my life and see how I feel about myself after. Hell, if I feel real ‘zen’ after, I might publish it when I retire. We’ll see. So let’s start at the beginning. Obviously. I was born on some bumfuck planet where people either turn to being some mercenary piece of shit or working a safe, dead-end job. That is, if you didn’t hop into the Republic’s military as soon as you could. I must’ve drawn the cosmic lottery though because my parents both had reliable lines of work. My mother was a mechanic who owned her own shop and kept busy most days working on droids, ships, or whatever other shit people broke around there. Blasters come to mind especially...Man did I get used to those sounds early. But, moving on. Most people didn’t mess with her. She had a reputation of being able to talk a doped up junkie out of robbing her shop, hell I’ve seen it myself. I guess that’s where I got my smooth talking from. My father though, that man was a different breed of inconsistent. The guy worked for a ‘supply ship’, running illegal goods off world to wherever they needed to go. Sometimes he’d visit for a month or two. One time, I didn’t see him for an entire year. My old man was kind of like me, able to spew out whatever bullshit story he needed to get out of or shoot it out if things went south. He taught me about his kind of life, mostly as lessons as to why I shouldn’t get into it. Considering where I am now though, those lessons didn’t exactly [i]stick[/i]. Sorry Pops. I joined up with the Republic Navy as soon as I hit eighteen. Mom got into a real depressive state when my old man bit the dust a year before that and I just...I needed to get away from that. It made it hard to enjoy fixing things up when you had a grieving woman over in the next room crying or just out of it. I’ll give her props for trying to stone-face it for as long as she could but now...now I just hope me leaving gave her that time she needed to just let those feelings out. Some of you might call me cold-hearted for leaving her like that and, yeah, I agree with you. Doesn’t change the fact that the Republic Navy was one of the best decisions of my life. Flying ships and driving vehicles was something I was already used to doing but with the Navy, I’d be getting [i]paid[/i] to do that. To do something I was already pretty fucking amazing at. Blasting some faceless schmuck’s ship and outmaneuvering enemy fighters was a blast, man. Rose through the ranks pretty quickly because of how good I was. Only thing that held me back from going higher was when two of my squadmates got themselves shot down for not being able to keep up with me. Squad Leader swears on his life it was my “overzealousness” that got them killed but if you ask me? It wasn’t my fault they weren’t good enough. Now this is the part where you could be asking yourself, ‘Hey Jor’Kai, if things were going to good for you in the Navy, how’d you end up being a famous bounty hunter?’ Well, the answer to that one’s pretty easy. It was because the fucking war [i]ended[/i]. Instead of pressing the fight, the Republic opted for a treaty like the pussies they were. Wouldn’t surprise if it was some [i]Torgruta[/i] that fought for that route the most knowing how [i]passive[/i] those pricks can be. Didn’t take me long to request a discharge right after the treaty. Me leaving meant less people who had a chance of replacing one of my superiors so they signed on it real quick. I went back home after that. My mom and I lived peacefully for a bit but...I fell out. After going from missions that have your body convulsing with adrenaline, going back to being some mechanic on a rimworld feels just a [i]bit[/i] underwhelming. That’s probably why I fell in with a gang a couple of months into my stay. From there? Well, let’s just say I got busy. Lot of guys getting into the kind of shady shit I did find that they can’t stomach it. Vomiting over their first kill, waking up in cold sweats from the nightmares because of it. First guy I killed after I left the fleet was some stowaway who was trying to rob our shit when we were smuggling stuff for this slimy, Rodian connect I know. When I found him, guy started begging for forgiveness in Quarren. Dropped him quicker than he could blink. Price you pay in the business, you know? Good thing that’ll never be me. Smuggling turned to bounty hunting work after a long string of transports that ended in blaster duels and the like. One of my crewmates pitched the idea and most of us unanimously agreed. Those that didn’t walked out. I guess the reason that I stayed was because of all that excitement. It made me realize that killing people was something I still had a knack for even outside of a cockpit. It’s just like my Pops used to tell me: If you’re good at something, never do it for cheap… ...Yeah, I think that’s a pretty good note to leave off of. Now, which button was to turn it of-? ~~END OF RECORDING~~ [/hider] [/hider]