[hr][hr][center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi4yZjgzNDQuVkVWU1VrRSwuMAAA/bolde-rough.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr][/center] As the panicked staff began mumbling to themselves about the current situation, Matthias began to pace slowly to the left with his head leaning downwards. [color=39b54a][b]"We've now been thrown into the fires of war without proper preparation."[/b][/color] he replied in a somewhat grimly tone, [color=39b54a][b]"Whatever that ultrasonic frequency did, we're certain that it the culprit for the devastation that you see before you."[/b][/color] Dr. Davis would only remain silent as she continued watching the compilations of the titans emerging from their slumber. She began to worry about her family back home in Manhattan - her beloved husband and her sweet daughters of two. She felt uneasily queasy at the thought of a titan invading her family residence, but while it hasn't appeared to happen as of yet - at least according to the confirmed locations on screen - they would no doubt be fearful of their city being hit next. And if so, their chances to survive the onslaught would be slim. She tried to swallow her overwhelming dread before looking back to her superior. [color=39b54a][b]"I will not keep much of your time in such desperate hours,"[/b][/color] Matthias continued with urgency, [color=39b54a][b]"For our time has run out. We must act immediately to save civilization as we know it. The AMF forces here are already preparing their forces to hit the worst offenders, but we need eyes on the ground to keep tabs on the others."[/b][/color] He'd then point towards the masses. [color=39b54a][b]"Each of you has been assigned to a primary specimen,"[/b][/color] he said, [color=39b54a][b]"Each according to your expertise on creatures relating to them. You will study them. Track them. And you will feed every ounce of information that you can obtain from them to us. The more we know about who we're facing against, the faster we can determine in recontaining them. Any information is critical, no matter how big or small, can turn the tide towards our favor. Further orders will be released accordingly. Any questions? If not, proceed to your designated stations and join up with the AMF forces in the hangar and prepare for your departure. Dismissed."[/b][/color] Now being released, Dr. Davis would quickly confirm her placement and rush towards the hangars. The ospery and Chinook helicraft and stationed opened their doors to flock their respected passengers to the scene, each numerically labeled according to help guide their passengers. It was time to save the world - now or never. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmJlMGUwZS5TRzl5ZFhNLC4y/requiem.regular.png[/img] [h3][b][color=fff200]Giza, Egypt[/color][/b][/h3] [@ZAVAZggg] [hr][hr] [/center] Horus' haughty bellow reached loud and far, seemingly without equal, as he only heard the faint sounds of the panicked masses emanating from the city below. Still, he was confused as to why the locals defied him. His subjects were fleeing, while metal birds attempt to ward him away. Were they built to mock his own image? Did they not have a clue as to whom they faced? Surely they would pay for their traitorous deception against him. Yet what Horus wasn't expecting was a response of equal vigor. So when he heard a piercing shriek echo from beyond the dunes, the creature ceased his initial actions. He perked his head up cautiously in the roar's direction, identifying it to the southeast. But it was a sound that he recognized oh so acutely. A scream immortalized within his psyche. It was the unmistakable voice of the dreaded chaos god... the one and only Apophis. A gurgling growl of disgust escaped his hooked break before he shifted his mass southwards, his clawed feet clenched firmly into the ancient rock of old Khufu's grand monument. Normally he would be facing his enemy with a fellow god or two - usually teaming up with fellow sun god Ra, whom the chaos god abhorred - yet now he finds himself alone. No matter. He did not fear this false god; this imbalance towards the natural order. Another bellow raptured from his armored gullet, as he spread his wings and waited for the serpent to face him. He will not surrender the Kingdom of Egypt to the forces of chaos and he will protect it with or without his loyal subjects helping him. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LmFhODYyYy5RMkZ0WVhwdmRIbywuMA,,/su-30sm.regular.png[/img] [h3][b][color=39b54a]South America[/color][/b][/h3] [@wxps350] [/center] [hr][hr] Blocking out the sun, a swarm of thousands of bats flew over the great green sea of trees that laid below them. Their shrieks deafened the natural ambience around them as mother Camazotz flew above her numerous children. Her cries were the loudest of them all, as she lead the great crusade to their next objective. Yet scouring them from a distance, a group of jets had been dispatched from TERRA to observe the scene but were strictly ordered not to attack. Apart from the fact that the bat goddess' spawn would easily overwhelm them if not for her majesty alone, her projected course towards Mexico City was suddenly halted by a previously unknown event to the southwest. As if responding to the crisis, Camazotz changed course to intercept with this disturbance. Her estimated course was unknown, but whatever it happened to be, the bat goddess was flying towards with great urgency. After all, her hearing had been estimated to be acute to the point where she could detect the sound of a pin drop from several miles away. So whatever she heard, it must've been loud enough for her to notice. And indeed, once as TERRA was able to project her estimated course, everything would finally make sense. She was on a collision course with another titanic monster - this one being in the form of Ceres. Upon reaching its location, Camazotz shriek echoed through the jungle followed by the cacophony of replies coming from her swarm. The morteptera swarm would descend onto the battlefield, engulfing it with their numerous presence. However, while a few bats engage the humans, the majority were focused directly onto the nature titan himself. They flocked onto Ceres' body, scratching and biting at his hide with their abnormally large fangs. Letting them do their thing, the bat goddess would circle the scene from the sky as she carefully eyed the action. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi4yMzhlYTQuUVd0b2JIVjAuMQ,,/lady-ice.sc-bold.png[/img] [h3][b]Anchorage, Alaska[/b][/h3] [@Ubermensch] [/center] [hr][hr] The whale beast's blubbery mass lunged towards Wechuge with surprising speed, yet his opponent dodged swiftly and attempted to retaliate with several swipes of his massive forearms. Narrowly avoiding his jagged claws, Akhlut slid across the ice with his blackened nails scratching the frozen surface before turning to face his old rival. The beast squinted towards his polar adversary with gleaming grey pupils, a grimace that spoke louder than anything the bear could bellow at. The amphibious beast needed no introduction, nor anything else to say to him. All it desired was to beat Wechuge and that was all. Wechuge's display of dominance didn't deter Akhlut, rather increasing his intense immense hatred towards the behemoth specimen. He bellowed his own symphonic call before jerking his head downwards and unleashing a concentrated beam of pressurized water towards Wechuge. If the creature was to dodge, he would proceed to aim his beam towards him, hellbent on punching a hole through his furry exterior from as far as a distance as possible. [center]|--------------------------------------------------|[/center] [b][color=f7976a][i]"Ohgodohgodohgod..."[/i][/color][/b] As the destruction raged outside the crumbling station, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/e1/1e/4de11e5dd1401240515f9a5ac1a573c6--tessa-thompson-smoky-eye.jpg]Dr. Jacquline Mills[/url] was scrounging through the chaos with all of her notes in hand. She struggled to keep them within her grasp, almost stumbling as a thunderous tremor rippled through the building. All the while, alarms were blaring straight into her ears to the point where she could barely hear the titanic conflict taking place outside. It may deafen her to the sounds of war, but hell did it do jack shit when it came to minimize the crippling feeling of it. Jacqui thought that one titan was bad enough - but for two to show up? The privilege to see the two combat each another - let alone see her favorite blubbery cetacean in action - was too much for her to bare. And while she'd love to take notes on the thunderous Akhlut, her life seemed far more valuable to TERRA than a frozen corpse hidden underneath the rubble. Jacqui orders were clear from the very start of this madness. She, along with the rest of the staff, were ordered to evacuate the premises via the helicopters situated outside the premises. She only hoped that the two monsters could keep their distance and NOT crush them while they were at it. Still, there were no promises made to spare her life from this chaos. As she darted around the corner, Jacqui would suddenly come face to face with Elena. In her panic, she failed to watch where she was going and clumsily collided with her, dropping all of her notes on the floor and forcing her onto the floor. [b][color=f7976a][i]"Oof!"[/i][/color][/b] she grunted before she realized all the paper scattered across the floor. She gasped as she hastily attempted to gather them all. [b][color=f7976a]"Oh god, I'm so sorry!"[/color][/b] she profusely apologized in an utter rambling as she was on her knees, [b][color=f7976a]"Just save yourself, don't worry about me!"[/color][/b]