I'll probably add to this over time, or I'll forget about it. A little about me. I've been RPing for as long as I can remember. At least ten plus years. I wouldn't say I'm a grammar nazi or anything, but I do prefer some legibility. I stick to casual, at the minimum, but can write up to advanced. The only big deal breaker for me is that I would like some notice if you want to stop RPing. So, I've had a craving for a handful of fandom based RPs. So, figured I'd put it here and see if I can garner interest. These ideas can all be adapted to either a one-on-one setting or a small group setting. I prefer to avoid large groups. So, we'll see how things go. I'll include a plot if I have one in mind. Otherwise, I'm going to just have the fandom in general listed. Open to suggestions on any of these. [b][u]Fandoms[/u][/b] Naruto Bleach Fullmetal Alchemist Code Geass Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth My Hero Academia Final Fantasy [hider=Marvel]So, spoilers for Avengers Infinity War if you haven't seen it. You've been warned. Post-Snap, my idea is that Thanos was a bit smarter with his plan. Included in the 50% to be killed would be the Avengers themselves. To avoid anyone trying to reverse what he had done, he took out his main opposition, those who knew of the plan and actions he took. With the heroes of Earth gone, the world descends into chaos following the Snap. Surviving villains take advantage of the absence of heroes, no one is around to stop them. A new set of heroes needs to rise to try and sort out the mess they find themselves in. Some of these people were effected by the Snap. Others weren't. However, regardless of their situations, there is a common problem that needs to be faced with the Defenders of Earth gone.[/hider] I'll add more as I think of them. Feel free to PM me about any ideas you might have.