[hider=SHOCK Value...][center][img]https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/88-884959_static-shock-series-logo-static-shock-logo-png.png[/img][/center] [b][color=0054a6]Superhero Name:[/color][/b] Static, Formerly Kilowatt Kid [b][color=0054a6]Civilian Name:[/color][/b] Virgil O. Hawkins [b][color=0054a6]Original Home[/color][/b]: Dakota City, Maryland [b][color=0054a6]Current Residence:[/color][/b] Harlem, New York City [b][color=0054a6]Sex[/color][/b]: Male [b][color=0054a6]Race[/color][/b]: Human [b][color=0054a6]Height[/color][/b]: 6’2 [b][color=0054a6]Weight[/color][/b]: 200 lbs [b][color=0054a6]Age[/color][/b]: 21 [b][color=0054a6]Birth Date:[/color][/b] January 28th -------- [hider=Costumed Appearance] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/fad90e04-d87b-4668-92f8-9331a94ac86b/d3av3yw-f608c834-f457-4654-9de5-699074c7c851.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_720,q_75,strp/static_shock_redesign_by_tomkellyart_d3av3yw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzIwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZmFkOTBlMDQtZDg3Yi00NjY4LTkyZjgtOTMzMWE5NGFjODZiXC9kM2F2M3l3LWY2MDhjODM0LWY0NTctNDY1NC05ZGU1LTY5OTA3NGM3Yzg1MS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.eAQ9mC4utoollt4t_fZAaU_z8jge_kgQi_jkMLehato[/img][hider=Kilowatt Kid][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/08/94/460894572d49f85047968112c14b2ea0.jpg[/img][/hider][/center][/hider] [hider=Civilian Appearance][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/16/3b/3c/163b3c6b5f9d157497c686ec324ab12e.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][color=0054a6]Icon[/color][/b]: [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2f899b52-daf8-4098-83fe-5c5e27b69915/d5dqs9i-298ab4b9-0aaa-466a-93a3-8e21c3919458.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzJmODk5YjUyLWRhZjgtNDA5OC04M2ZlLTVjNWUyN2I2OTkxNVwvZDVkcXM5aS0yOThhYjRiOS0wYWFhLTQ2NmEtOTNhMy04ZTIxYzM5MTk0NTguanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.f8BOgJ0FZPS5yDWmrtNrKGcNhoaKut5ItdP-adCFDeo]The Bolt[/url] [b][color=0054a6]Personality:[/color][/b] Virgil is a good guy, to put it simply. He’s the type of guy that works hard, holds the door for people, and doesn’t try to be something that he isn’t. As such, he likes to joke around among his friends. He’s a thinker and it can a lot of times take him to far away places, so it can be hard to keep focused. Virgil’s typically very calm, even when going through the motions, and it’d take something dramatic to faze him into an emotional frenzy. Virgil is very defensive about his mom and sensitive to those who don’t particularly treat their mothers well. When really fired up, he'll get testy and confrontational. Virgil also struggled over the years with considering the perspectives of others. Granted, he has matured enough to empathize with some, but those who have radically different views than him are those who he is not likely to get along with. When in costume, he isn't too different, though he is a little more calculated. He is much more concerned with saving lives than winning fights. Virgil actually uses quips and humor to throw his enemies off. Virgil very much prefers to refrain from killing people, as he feels that it isn’t the right thing to do. However when push comes to shove, he'll do everything he can to save those he cares about, and sometimes even those he doesn't like. [b][color=0054a6]Skills:[/color][/b] | Overall Gifted Intelligence || Adept Parkourist ||| Experienced Fighter |\/ Talented Musical Artist \/ A Detective-Like Observation \/| Advanced Staffmanship \/|| Bilingual - Spanish [b][color=0054a6]Powers:[/color][/b][i][b] Bang Baby -[/b] Static's physiology was altered by a mutant-genetic explosion which caused him to adapt unusual powers. Static's body itself can generate raw electromagnetic energy, which he has learned to manipulate, control and enhance. Super-Conductive Electromagnetism - Static can sense sources of electromagnetic energy or objects that can be affected by it such as underground water pipes. He can magnetize and demagnetize metals. Electromagnetic Fields - Static generates an Electromagnetic field just like the earth and the sun generate their own Electromagnetic fields. Static can also create barriers and shields that he can use to block, repel, hold back attacks and defend himself in battle. Minor Technopathy - Static can capable of fixing or operating electronic devices through his electromagnetic manipulation. He can operate most devices just by touching, even if they are not plugged. Electromagnetic Levitation - Static can cause objects to fly (metal is the easiest material to manipulate and wood is the most difficult). Wavelength Tuning - Static can hear radio waves meaning he can listen in on the police broadband and music stations, as well as tapping into the phone lines so he can make calls. Electrokinesis - Static can generate electricity from his body and administer it in a range of different attacks and uses. He can charge devices, drain devices and project his electricity in a variety of controlled ways. Electrical Displays - Electromagnetic Light Displays that Static can shoot into the sky in the forms of pictures and words. With more power behind it, Static can make these into Electromagnetic Nets and/or Cage. Electromagnetic Force Bolts - Static can fire Bursts of electromagnetic energy from his hands for uses like electrifying objects, administering large scale "Static Clings", generating shields and barriers. Ball Lightning - Named after Ball Lightning, the weather phenomenon. Electromagnetic Energy compressed into a large ball and thrown at targets; an offensive maneuver in a combat situation. Static Cling - Static can adhere most objects or people to surfaces and other objects, plus Static can magnetize surfaces. Enhanced Speed - By charging his body with electricity, Virgil is capable of lightning-speed reflexes and reactions in short bursts.[/i] [hider=Biography]Virgil Ovid Hawkins was born to Jean and Robert Hawkins in Dakota City, named after his Grandfather. Though their living situation was a little less than ideal, they still managed to get by fairly well off. That is, until that fateful day. He was nine years old that day. It rough in Paris Island. Gang violence ran about as rampant as toddlers in a daycare center. A riot had happened in the streets that day. There were many victims. Cops had to break it up. His mother was a medic. Not a doctor, but she worked with the ER and Nurses. She said that she was bring a surprise home for Virgil that day... He didn't expect for the surprise to be her corpse. She was hit by a stray bullet amidst the shooting between Police and Gang Members. She had died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital as she simply lost too much blood by then. It hit their family of, now three, pretty hard. So much pain circulated when Virgil's little sister Sharon, only three at the time, called for Mama, but there was no answer for her. Their dad thought about the things that would cause something like this. So, to make an impact in their own way for kids like them, Robert founded the Freeman Community Center. The operation was a success, and the next thing they knew, Virgil's family moved out of their old home in Paris Island and instead moved to the middle class area of Dakota, named Sadler. There wasn't as much violence there in comparison. It was calm enough, Virgil went to school and did his best to help his father out with the community center. It was there that he met his best friend, Richter Stone. Things for Hawkins seemed to look up there. He worked hard in school, via encouragement from his father, and was known to be an honor roll student. Though, that wasn't to say that the problems of his life were over. During his freshman year of high school, Virgil was met with the presence his older cousin, Wilson Morrison. Wil and Virgil never got along as kids, and that carried on into highschool. The difference was, that this time, Wil was much bigger and stronger than he was. Thus, Virgil was frequently the victim of threats and beatings by Wilson and his gang until a classmate intervened. However, this intervention came with a price: Virgil was to join his gang because of his brainpower under a street dude guise. While Virgil never gave any official answer, the offer didn't imply an alternative was given. As a result, Virgil became involved in the gang wars of Dakota. The gang wars escalated, culminating in a showdown at the Dakota docks. Though Virgil was no imposing figure, his presence was necessary at the event. Even after being given a gun and a chance, Virgil refused to kill his cousin Wil. It didn’t matter if he was bullied by him all his life, the way Virgil saw it, they were still family. Blood was thicker than the water he tossed the gun into, and Virgil fled from the scene. As fists flew in numerous directions, police lights shone overhead. While the gang boys fled in various directions, stray shots collided with strange canisters of Quantum Vapor in the area, which detonated and enveloped the area. Virgil survived, seemingly unscathed, a claim few others at the event could make. Apparently, as he woke, he learned that it was Wilson that saved him from what he assumed was certain death. Several days passed and Virgil learned that he wasn't as unscathed by the event as he thought. e may have appeared fine, but Virgil's body had undergone a massive change. The gas from the "Big Bang", as people now called it, had charged Virgil's body with electricity. Virgil then too learned that he could control this electrical power that he now had. After this discovery, he began to hone his powers by playing with them; learning new things with his other close friend, Frieda Goren. Though, the way she found out was more so of an accidental use of his powers. Frieda recognized the seriousness of Virgil gaining these abilities and agreed that he needed to be careful in how he used them. With his best friend's help and advise, the two agreed Virgil had to use his powers to protect people but secretly to keep their families safe from the dangers that a superhero could face. Just like Greased Lightning and the local legend, Augustus Freeman, before him. In which case, they created a costumed persona, and he committed to heroic acts in his home city. The costumed kid made headlines, and when rumors spread around about him being a result of the Big Bang, the boy had been christened the Kilowatt Kid. Naturally, the name stuck. While that was all well and good, they came to find out that Virgil wasn't the only Mutant Baby from the Big Bang. It later turned out that, of all people, Wilson got powers too, and became the villainous Hotstreak. From there, all sorts of villains showed up and Kilowatt Kid was tasked with the challenge of having to thwart them for the people of Dakota. There were some times that he even had to team up with other heroes to keep their villains in check. However, the life of a teenage superhero wasn't easy. Sleep, school, the Community Center, girls, comics, and a little sister that wouldn't shut up, on top of the hero thing was a lot of work. Sometimes that worked out good, like when Dad said that he seemed more responsible as a person, or the ladies wanting to meet the Kilowatt Kid. Other times, not so much, like the one time he bombed an algebra test that he normally would've aced if he hadn't fell asleep on the test day. Overall, Virgil's high school life in Dakota was exciting and daring. Though, time moved on, and after Virgil's senior year, he found that it was time to grow up and get a job. Hero work, while fun, wasn't free but it didn't pay either. Plus, some close calls with his family and...the incident, convinced Virgil that it might have been time to let go of the Kilowatt Kid persona. Two years ago, it was clear that the city missed its hero but Virgil was convinced that maybe this was for the best to give normal life a try. Not to say he completely left them hanging but only worked in secrecy and in the most dire situations. His father originally wanted him to go to a Community College to stay close to home but...with the stagnant nature of things between Virgil and his father's new girlfriend, Virgil decided to take an opportunity to go to a college out in New York City. It was funded by S.T.A.R. Labs, and with his Aunt Kim moving back there too, his father was all for it. With Rick in tow, Virgil moved out of Maryland to the Big Apple. More recently, it seemed that criminal activity was on an uprise aside from the monsters. There were already some other super-powered individuals that were present. Virgil, though keeping watch, largely turned a blind eye to it all. Rick seemed to take notice of the odd lostness that Virgil seemed to have, and suggested that he try to rekindle an old flame. Knowing what he hinted at, Virgil denied, even after seeing the suit that Rick made him in hopes of his one day returning to heroism. Virgil didn't even entertain the thought. He said he wouldn't after the incident...Still...there's always that tugging feeling of responsibility. That he should do something should the situation call for it.[/hider] [b][color=0054a6]Nemeses:[/color][/b][i] Hotstreak Rubberband-Man Others - TBD[/i] [b][color=0054a6]Allies:[/color][/b] [i] Greased Lightning - A retired Justice League member that Virgil met in his time living in New York that possessed lightning-based powers. Richter ‘Ricky’ Stone - Best friend. Frieda Goren - Best girl--female friend. Others - TBD | Relatives | Robert ‘Bobby’ Hawkins - Father Jean Messiah Hawkins - Mother - Deceased Sharon ‘Cherry’ Shaniqua Hawkins - Younger Sister Kimberly Morrison - His Maternal Aunt Wilson ‘Wil’ Morrison-Powell - His Older Cousin - Deceased [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4905775]Jermaine 'Jones' Morrison[/url] - Maternal Uncle[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL62z_AHosOpN7-nhM0kPQmLXBmMFJkQKj][b]Virgil Vibes[/b][/url][/hider] [hider= Tha Grandmaster Sequel][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uCCfPBa_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img][/center] [hr] [sub]Personal information collected anonymously through his superiors...[/sub] NAME || Jermaine Morrison ALIAS || [Grandmaster] Jones GENDER || Male AGE || Thirty RACE || Human DOB || June 14, 1990 ORIGIN || Brooklyn LOCATION || New York City OCCUPATION || Bodyguard A p p e a r a n c e || Being a man of 6 feet and 4 inches can put many men off guard, and having an agile muscular build would only lend to the daunting visage. Despite all this Jones is not one for the flashy attire of modern day heroes and villains. In his eyes, his work clothing is a uniform, tailor-made to represent his occupation, a high-profile bodyguard. As such, he is required to dress well or intimidatingly at all times. Thus Jones is usually seen in a jet black suit and black button-up with varying chains in the place of a tie, sometimes gold, sometimes diamond. Often times this is accessorized with gold watches and rings. Casual wear may vary, though gold-framed sunglasses and all black sneakers of varying well-known brands are constant. [hr] [sub]From detailed eye-witness reports…[/sub] HISTORY || Born a hustler, Jermaine was out on the streets of Brooklyn making money the only way a 7th grader or "shorty" could on his block, running with a gang. During the early 2000's he ran with his gang of delinquents, home invading, committing petty larceny and engaging regular assaults on rival neighborhood gangs. Despite coming from a fairly sound home regardless of his father's frequent jailing, the gang provided what school and his family could not: camaraderie and money; the latter of which his family lacked plenty of. Being the youngest of a family of three it fell on Jermaine, the man of the house, to provide some sort of financial support. This no doubt was a course of action encouraged by his father and discouraged by his mother, and only more vehemently with the onset of metahumans rocking the nation. Jermaine's gang operation eventually came to an end when an especially brutal assault landed him a two-month long stint in Rikers Island. A stay which made living in the projects seem like a wet dream. It was this experience that only added fuel to Jermaine's ambition for material wealth. Upon being released he joined up with his old gang who began running operation low-level drug operations for the Gorilla Stone Bloods, usually acting as dealers within Gorilla territory. By the time Jermaine reached his senior year of high school the metahuman population had exploded, and the Gorilla's where quick to induct a number of willing superhumans into the family. With said additions, the gang had no issues riding south Brooklyn of rival gangs and being the dominant drug traffickers of the entire region. While Jermaine had risen the ranks from peddling marijuana to cooking cocaine the money still fell short of satisfying him. With no other dream or ambition than to live life like a movie star, he persisted. Around him, society began to destabilize with the Registration Act wreaking havoc in the streets. Then came the first of the demonic incursions, within just two months completely devouring the western half of the United States. While the Seven Wonders of the World moved in to defend the world Jermaine found himself placidly apathetic to the plight. He and none of his own perished, therefore Jermaine only had one job to do, keep on hustling. The drug market exploded, the civil war and demonic invasion throwing many deep into the well of addiction in order to cope, and Jermaine was only happy to take their money. By 2011 the Gorilla Stone Bloods became the Gorilla Stone Family as it began swallowing rival gangs into its ranks and inducting humans and non-humans to supplement its numbers. By the end of the year, the GS Family was one of the wealthiest gangs in Brooklyn, offering protection, drugs, sex trafficking, and various other good and services to those within its sphere of influence. Jermaine at the time had done no better from himself, only garnering a small number of workers to supplement his GS Family sanctioned cocaine operation. It wasn't until a drug deal went wrong did life change for him. Jermaine and his crew along with a contingent of GS dispatched men and an oddly gi-clad fellow had been sent to make a trade in the Tillary Hotel. Before the door to the room could be open, gunfire erupted. In mere moments almost all of the GS members had been massacred but were it not for the gi-clad man who seemed to ignore gunfire and move with the speed of a metahuman, Jermaine would have died that night, body full of lead. Fascination led him to ask the man who he was, to which he explained that his name was simply Mr. William, personal bodyguard to the upper echelon of the GS Family, and for saving his life he was indebted to him. Jermaine would work or his personal assistant or die here, no one would be able to tell him apart from the rest of the dead bodies. Fervor took Jermaine now, a damn good opportunity to get in good with the upper echelon and possible eat bullets? Best believe he'd repay. Mr. William took Jermaine on, passing down lesson after lesson, then having him work with master after master. Nearly 10 years later, the title of grandmaster graced his head. In payment Jermaine was to take Mr. Williams place as GS bodyguard when his end came, until then, he was to work. Jermaine now "Jones" quickly made a name for himself working as a bodyguard for high-profile bosses and celebrities, leaving those who crossed them or even attempted to touch them maimed or dead. It was clear that Jones wasn't Grandmaster only in title but in talent, as he had surpassed his mentor in skill, and soon enough, wealth. Further, with the onset of magic and it's swift introduction into the black market, access to supernatural goods and services abound to those with the right connections. Jones is one such man, ties to great families has garnered unrestricted access to the depths of the market. Using this connection he searched for the best weapon he could find. A man from New Orleans was slinging a sword that would supposedly suit his liking. A magic tachi apparently stolen from Japan that was just supposed to be able to slay demons. Jones, of course, wasn’t all that interested in the history of it. It looked and sounded badass enough. When he first unsheathed the sword though, upon seeing his reflection in the blade, he fell into the sunken place. Within a dream-like sequence, he experienced memories; memories of another life. A life, that was not his own, but that he later learned, belonged to an African samurai in old Japan by the name of Yasuke. This wasn’t in the fine print of the deal, and it was evident when the man found him, looking to collect the sword back. Apparently, the sale was supposed to be a hit, as anyone who attempted to wield the sword before him were ‘burned to the soul’ and died by their own hand to stop the burning. Though, Jones was unmaimed, the same couldn’t be said for the jackass who sold it to him. As of the past year or so, he now had the ghost samurai’s voice in his head. Sometimes it gave him useful advice, sometimes he wished he could do an exorcism on himself. Regardless, he wasn’t going to let it stop him from living his life the way he wanted. PERSONALITY || Secretive and reserved, everything you expect from a man like Jones. Socially, Jones is closed off; he hasn't opened up to anyone since he was a child. Even to comrades, he is a stranger shrouded in an air of mystery. Jones isn't easily distracted from a task. Focused and controlled; he would never allow his impulses and desire cloud his judgment. Albeit he is bold and intrepid, which is often construed as reckless behavior, every action taken is deliberate and calculated. Once he sets his sights on something, he is steadfast on getting it. He is adaptable; able to think on his feet and make the tough decisions when required. But, he’s also stubborn and will not be shaken from a path once descended. It’s this ego-driven attitude that makes him intractable. He uses a strategic method of thinking which eliminates any falsities and uncertainty, thus any conclusion derived has to be correct. Overall, Jones is a distant person that prefers to walk alone, for he believes that you are the only one to be completely trusted. There is no doubt that he is very self-confident and strongly believes his own ability, though he is mostly driven by material wealth. This is partially the reason for his cold attitude that doesn’t allow anyone too close. However, if one might take the time to get to know him and prove that they are worth his time, he will reveal himself as a contemplative person. He may also show that he can be a very loyal, protective companion, though only few will ever be able to gain his friendship like that. In the end, Jones is nothing but a bitter person with some heart somewhere deep inside, a lining that has caused him to act selflessly in sparse situations. [hr] [sub]From detailed reports and completed files...[/sub] SKILLS || Grandmaster Level Martial Artist Master Swordsman Honed Mental Strength Excellent Endurance Excellent Agility POWERS || Chi/Ki - Having trained under master monks in his youth, Jones has achieved great control of his meridians, garnering knowledge on Chi flow and its far reaching uses. As such, he is capable of augmenting his body, thickening his skin, strengthening his strikes, bolstering his speed and agility, and even boosting healing to a certain extent. Such knowledge has also garnered him the ability to close the meridians of others, causing them chronic pain from the clog that can even become crippling with time. Aside from its physical uses, it also has its mental and spiritual. With a clear mind Jones' senses are boosted twofold and his psyche is protected from low to mid level telepaths or mind manipulators. Meditation is warranted in the case of master level manipulators. Despite the Chi's versatility, overuse can prove fatal, forcing Jones to only utilize this power in short controlled bursts, lest risk overexertion or worse death. WEAPONS || Maigo - A tachi that had been contains the soul of the legendary demon-slaying samurai, [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/Axu22gAQgOoI9ZmSRM9sh7w/?sfo=1&sender=642466840500524959&invite_code=d90f45deab8e42ca869d6a24d507eedc]Yasuke[/url]. Being an ancestor of Jones, his specific chi allows him to wield the blade without sensation of his body being on fire. Furthermore, the magical properties make it supernaturally durable, capable of blocking/cutting mid to occasional high level magic, and even glowing when demon-kind has been sensed within his vicinity. It also allows him to communicate directly with his however many ‘greats’ grandfather, whether Jones wants it or not. Raiden - A three-section staff enchanted with the element of lightning, allowing Jones to stun and shock enemies when hit and send arc of the stuff when wielding. It is also capable of overloading certain systems and technology that lack surge protection, although the beating from the blunt object is likely to do the intended job anyway. It’s that kind of Raid that’s perfect for the few pests bigger than New York rats. Shuriken - A number of concealed throw-able stars that have no enhanced properties to speak of. [hr] RELATIONSHIPS || Father - James Morrison - DGAF Oldest Sister - Kimberly Morrison - Close, Though Strained. Nephew - Virgil Hawkins - Even Niece - Sharon Hawkins - Even His Current Charge - Karen Hernandez - Even[/hider]