[@WrongEndoftheRainbow] [hider=RE: Anshumat] Apologies for the wait. BBeast and I had to sync up before getting our opinions down. However, tou certain did end up saving time in the end by getting our feedback in private drafts. You have a good prospect in Anshumat. I'm glad to see that you've sorted out the parentage since I last read the sheet. BBeast and I are both satisfied with it and look forward to seeing how it turns out IC. For the sake of informing readers-on, I'll reiterate that I had some initial concern with the Hierarchy portfolio. At first glance, it appears to have strong overlap with Anu's Dominance and the leadership theme of Ikarus' Mana. However, on closer inspection and with the good, clear information about its mechanical bounds, BBeast and me both agree that it distinguishes itself from its overlapping neighbours enough to work on its own. Mana is already heavily invested in its magical side and tends to focus more heavily on leaders rather than social systems, while Dominance is very much about slaves, masters, servitude, and conquest. Hierarchy is more subtle and flexible in its interaction with societies. This is of course without mentioning that multiple demigods in competition over societal control will be ripe for drama and collaboration. It should be noted that Anshumat will have plenty of mortal societies to play with in this coming age, if all goes as projected. But, even without that, the immediate conflict with Shengshi should keep you busy enough for a little while. As for the persona, this is a rare case where I would say Anshumat's persona is a [i]good fit[/i] for their portfolio. A lot of character sheets follow a basic theme for persona relating to portfolios, which at best depends on a lot of creativity to make good stories, and at worst can form an inflexible stereotype. Anshumat's, while simple, fits the portfolio because they're more likely to make impactful mistakes and victories out of their powers. They'll be changing their actions through lessons learnt and find out where they actually fit in the world. It's a state of flux that will collapse and expand as you go. There is a lot of potential energy for stories there, and that's why it synergises so well. That said, BBeast did lament the lack of details as to how they behave in person, but this was hardly a deal breaker and you can flesh out mannerisms and such IC. The appearance is a little creepy for a social influencer, but that will be interesting to work around, if you don't don disguises or something of that nature to make up for it. They won't be the strangest looking thing to have interacted with mortals before. All told, you've got a complete character sheet and a good character ready to jump in. Go ahead when you're ready, WrongEnd. Anshumat is accepted. Take your starting 2 MP and 4 Age of Lords FP when you make your first IC post. Also don't forget to make a page on the wiki for them and add them to the demigods table in the Deities page. [/hider]