Harriet listened to Benjamin before she gave a small nod, "When it's used around you all the time you get used to it." She said with a small sigh, "Dad interchanges the Human word for the two Texverian Phrases. Gifted ones; for Elementals or others like you who have those different abilities, and Larenzec is the term for the other kinds of Humanoids." She turned her head back to the Menu, "But using the proper name for Unknowns is always good as well; A good way to get rid of stigma against the entire term of Unknown." She said with a small smile as she glanced to Benjamin before she looked down into menu again. Duncan looked to the menu as he tilted his head as he listened to the talk between Harriet and Benjamin. He found it interesting before he heard Steph speak under her breathe. "It's... A very sweet drink." He said, "Almost sickly. Not too alcoholic." He looked to Harriet momentarily before he set his Menu down. "I'm going to get a BLT." He said with a smile. Steph listened to everyone, she stayed silent. She flinched when Duncan spoke to her before she nodded. She read over the menu and listened to everyone as they spoke. She looked over the food items, she glanced up to Harriet at this point, unsure what to order. Harriet smiled at her, "I'll order you something if you'd like?" She asked, Steph looked back to the Menu with a small blush before she nodded.[hr]Gaia nodded, looking off to where he pointed. As soon as he was out of her view she bounded over towards the bench; she moved to awkwardly sit on the bench. She looked around quietly, hoping no one saw her run on all fours for a moment. She fluffed her wings as she settled. She didn't notice Ari was watching her quietly with a bit of a grin. "Interesting..." Ari uttered to herself as she moved to note something down. "Seems like things are going well with her. Now if only I can find Steven..."