Blackout Zero Mountain Fort The foul odors shift subtly but noticeably. The Bloodmen cheer as Gaul cuts down their ranks. They surround Gaul but keep with distance from him and his bear. Then they begin snarling like rabid dogs, cutting themselves, spilling blood, and stomping their feet in the pools it forms. A Blood Baron makes his way towards Gaul with a slow menacing pace. As he nears he produces a spear and shield before dropping into a defensive fighting stance while the stomping becomes rhythmic and the Bloodmen begin barking in time with the beat. The ones not preoccupies with Gaul give chase to Blaze by seeking out the unfamiliar scent. They crash into each other and are all snorting and sniffing through their nose as they close in on Blaze. "Fox man! Make warm coat!" From behind the third wall there are terrifying howls as rabid and starved hounds are released. West Point Raia listens as Sia explains. She's quiet for the whole thing. Once Sia finishes Raia sits in silence for a moment. "I suppose it was too much to expect to have you all to myself." Raia seems almost hurt. She raises her hand and a soft pulse of light shines from beneath her skin. "But you don't have to worry about out living me. This power I was given... this body is just a puppet. My true self lies at the core of my Throne Realm. This body is a vessel for my consciousness. It's kept young by the Light and should anything happen to it another is created and sent to replace it almost instantly." Raia sighs heavily. "You're going to leave when this is all over. Aren't you?" Raia asks even though she knows the answer. "From what you said, you can travel between these [i]other worlds[/i] at a whim. But I can't go. Not as things are. My people are too vulnerable. The Bloodmen are tenacious and brutal enemies. So long as they exist my people will never know peace." Raia wants to say more but instead she takes Sia's hands in her own and places them on her body. Then slowly she stands and unbuckles her pants looking out the alley, watching for interruptions. West Point Castle Dojo Gin squares off against Sword Master. They stand with the tips of their bamboo swords almost touching. The Master strikes Gin across the stomach with a powerful blow. Gin falls to his feet. "Hesitation is defeat. You must clear your mind. In battle where are the victorious. And the dead. Again." The Master assumes the stance. But Gin stays on his knees. The Master lowers his guard and takes a deep breath. "Hesitation is defeat. In battle. And in Life. Often times an attack must be followed through... even if it is futile. To have reservations is to instill doubt in yourself. Remember that." The Master of the Dojo leaves quietly. Gin lies on his back and brings a hand to the his necklace. "Even if it's futile, huh?"