[color=orchid][center][h1]Sophia Danvers[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Pokecentre[/h3][/center][/color] [@Zanavy] [color=orchid]"Ehh!"[/color] Sophia grimaced, watching Fantoccino grin at Ty's compliment, then glared at the other trainer. [color=orchid]"Don't encourage him!"[/color] Another reason not to egg on the Ghost type became apparent, as a high-pitched wail filled the air. Sophia winced, looking down at the little Igglybuff, who sobbed as any young child would. [color=orchid]"Hey... Hey, Medic, it's ok, they're gone now,"[/color] she reassured the baby Pokemon, who rushed into her trainer's arms. That tearful face brought a shudder of guilt. If she could actually get Fantoccino to listen to her, this wouldn't have happened. Even Fantoccino looked rather ashamed, his smile turning strained as he floated down with a sheepish murmur of "Shuuu-ppet...". Glowering at him, Sophia reached for the Pokeball. [color=orchid]"Alright, time out for you,"[/color] she grumbled, returning the Ghost type. For a minute, Sophia and Lacey helped Ty comfort the crying Igglybuff. Once the pink puffball had calmed down, Ty made his attempt to lighten the mood, gathering up several pieces of fruit and throwing an apple in the Scyther's direction. [i]Of course,[/i] Sophia thought with a huff as the bug sliced up the apple in midair. After the Shuppet fiasco, Ty just had to show off how well trained his Pokemon were. [color=orchid]"Heh, not bad I guess,"[/color] she commented, with a critical glance at the chunk the Scyther had missed, [color=orchid]"but if Fantoccino had been behaving himself just now..."[/color] That was when Reaper did the same thing with an orange placed on the table. A flurry of wings and blades darted around the fruit - and apparently missed. [color=orchid]"Huh."[/color] Sophia's lips twitched into a slight smirk as she leaned over. [color=orchid]"You might wanna try harder..."[/color] Without warning, the orange exploded. Sophia pulled back, her psychic reflexes kicking in, deflecting chunks of fruit. [color=orchid]"Watch it!"[/color] she yelled, checking her clothes for any juice stains. [color=orchid]"You nearly ruined my shirt!"[/color] Looking over, she saw she'd been the one to splatter someone - the bits of pulp that had flown at her now covered Ty's jacket. Biting her lip, the psychic cringed. Ty hadn't appeared to find her abilities impressive yesterday, and he certainly wouldn't today. [color=orchid]"Uh, here,"[/color] she said, passing him a napkin. Between this and the Oran Berry incident with Hammer, it seemed she had a knack for splatting fruit all over people. [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Gothita "Lacey" lv14, Purrloin "Grimalkin" lv13, Staryu "Arcturus" lv13, Darumaka "Lumas" lv11, Shuppet "Fantoccino" lv11, Bronzor "Clarus" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, TM33 (Reflect), Oran Berry x3[/hider] [hr] [color=chocolate][center][h1]Amber Pine[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Pokecentre[/h3][/center][/color] [@Typical] [@Zanavy] Neither Aedre's initial silence, nor her forced smile, had escaped Amber's notice. The battle may just have been for practice purposes, but both trainers knew the stakes of this journey were higher than mere competition. After yesterday, a loss would probably affect Aedre more than she let on. Heading into the Pokemon centre alongside her, Amber nodded at her comment. [color=chocolate]"Yep, and remember no matter the outcome, our Pokemon are going to be just that little bit stronger for it,"[/color] she reminded Aedre. [color=chocolate]"Plus it's a learning curve for everyone involved. Got to keep those type immunities in mind."[/color] Once she'd gotten her Pokemon healed, she let out Larimar and Tacita, keeping Almandine safely in her capsule for now. Tacita perched on Amber's shoulder, while Larimar crawled across the room, fixated on the trash can for some reason. Amber stared as, in front of the Anorith's face, a tiny orange orb formed and winked out. [color=chocolate]"Hm? Larimar, what..."[/color] The sphere materialised again, larger this time, taking on the shape of a jagged rock and flying into the air. It dropped into the trash can, bursting on impact. Some smaller stones rattled against the inside, while others shot over the edge. "Riiith!" Larimar scuttled back as the can shook and toppled, spilling trash everywhere. Amber stood in awe. Then, she set about clearing up the mess, glancing wide-eyed at the fossil Pokemon as she did so. [color=chocolate]"A new move, huh? And a Rock type one at that? Impressive!"[/color] she commented, righting the bin. [color=chocolate]"Congratulations, though got to say it's best to practice new moves outside. Otherwise... That happens."[/color] The Anorith lowered her head. [color=chocolate]"Don't worry, you should still be proud of yourself,"[/color] Amber continued, then checked her Pokedex. Sure enough, Larimar had learned her first Rock type move, Smack Down. [color=chocolate]"So it makes airborne Pokemon vulnerable to Ground type moves,"[/color] the researcher read aloud, wandering towards the cafeteria and glancing at Aedre. [color=chocolate]"Hm, well Flying has a disadvantage against Rock anyway, but in a double battle, that's got to be pretty useful. And apparently it's not just Flying types who are affected... Ah!"[/color] Not watching her step, she skidded in something slippery, gripping a table with her free hand to keep from falling. Steadying herself, she looked down at the pulpy orange juice all over the floor, then at the chopped up fruit on the table. Ty stood nearby with his Scyther, as did a rather embarrassed-looking Sophia. Amber didn't complain about the mess like some others did. Instead, that look of fascination lit up her face. [color=chocolate]"Ohh, is this a training session?"[/color] she asked, noting the juice on the bug's blades, and the similarly sliced apple. [color=chocolate]"We were going to head to the gym, but you wouldn't mind if I watched for a while?"[/color] She turned to Aedre. [color=chocolate]"You ok with that?"[/color] [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Kabuto "Chalcedony" lv11, Yanma "Aeshna" lv9, Rockruff "Kyra" lv13, Rowlet "Tacita" lv11 (+1), Anorith "Larimar" lv13 (+1), Sableye "Almandine" lv12 (+1) [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, Potion x2, Dusk Ball x1[/hider]