[quote=@The World] Jack: It's a bit cliche, but it's effective to meditate under a waterfall. The steady but slightly unpredictable force helps aid in clearing the mind. Your goal is to achieve a state of complete emptiness in your mind, where you're essentially running purely on instinct with no actual thoughts, per se, and then to become able to enter that state quickly and repetitively. That state can be useful in progressing your training. That goes for all three of you. [/quote] Suzy: *Just after you finish talking I take off sprinting to the waterfall, throwing my jacket off to reveal a swimsuit of the same co underneath.* Samantha: I hope you have some changing rooms available, because as far as I know she's the only one who's ready to do that in an instant. *Gives a look to Salvador.* Salvador: *Grumbles and rolls my eyes before going to pick up the jacket.*