[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/w01cbnt.png[/img] [color=75c159]”First post, and I've already contracted the 'tism.”[/color] [color=888888]— Tetrad[/color] [b]A FEW WEEKS BEFORE THE GRAVEYARD INCIDENT[/b][/center] It was a moon-lit night when it happened. Tetrad was in the talons of a very big bird. Its appearance was reminiscent of an eagle, only it was green and covered in scales. Tetrad was powerless to escape and was entirely at the mercy of her captor. She stopped struggling when she realized it only made its grip tighter. Strength of that caliber was not something she possessed. It’s just a matter of time before life was going to give her a bad hand. Even if her chances of dying each day was one out of a million, she was rolling that dice every moment she drew breathe. This morning she felt like her chances were one in a hundred-thousand. Seeing this monster made it feel more like one in ten-thousand. Not having any matching suits or colors in her hand made it one in a thousand. Her backup not showing up made it feel like one in a hundred. Now the monster was going into a high speed dive. The g-forces were almost enough to make Tetrad black out. She felt her chances of surviving this attack were about one out of ten. Those weren’t horrible odds. The monster released Tetrad over the school, causing her to plow through the roof. Asphalt and timber rained down on her body, which had come to rest on the floor of the classroom. Tetrad could see the monster flying in front of the moon, but was unable to do anything about it. Something had broken inside her, and she couldn’t move anything below her bellybutton. Her body was wracked with pain, and her range of motion was severely limited. She was able to raise her head just high enough to assess her body’s condition. The tallons had torn her outfit to tatters, and did little to retain her dignity. More pressing was the metal pipe sticking out of her torso. It probably use to be part of a chair, but was now preventing blood from flooding her lung. She looked at her remaining cards. A five and six of hearts, and a king of clovers. None of these would save her. She let them fall out of her hand before allowing her head to rest on the floor. She wasn’t sure how many sides her “fate dice” had, but she had rolled a one today. Or perhaps it was still resting on its edge. The monster cried. A sliver of hope was restored. Perhaps it was just the Puchuu’s metal edit that made Tetrad love slaying monsters, but hearing the beast’s death cry filled her with pride. She knew her team had killed it. They were nearby, and she might be saved. All she had to do was hold out. If they looked just a little bit they would find her. Then they could celebrate one more dead monster together. She could hear their footsteps as they got closer. She could hear their voices. They were running towards her position. They were laughing. Tetrad lifted her head to see if she could spot them in front of the classroom windows. They just had to look inside. Their voices were getting louder. She could make out their words. They were talking about the great job they did, how they would grab a pizza, and how badly they all needed a shower. Nothing about her rescue, however. And they were getting quieter as they walked further away from her. Tetrad didn’t have the strength left to ball her hands with. She wanted to scream, or at least have the strength to cry, but all she could manage was a few tears. The dice teetered on its edge no longer. Her fate was sealed. It would be foolish to get upset about this outcome from a statistical standpoint. If you have an eternity to tempt fate, you’re eventually going to get unlucky. What Tetrad was experiencing was something every magical girl to ever live would eventually face. What made this so sad for Tetrad was the nature of her departure. She spent a lot of time with her fellow squad mates. They nurtured each other despite none of them being here by choice. Countless days of shopping together, hanging out after school, weekly pizza nights, card games, video games, park visits, fighting side by side, watching each others back. All of the time she had dedicated to them, and they were going to let her die alone. How cruel. [hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SbnCKDQ.png[/img] [color=75c159]”Now that we got THAT shit out of the way, the real fun begins~!”[/color] [color=888888]— Tetrad[/color] [/center] For some, the event at the graveyard was a threat that had to be taken care of immediately. For others, it was an opportunity to do things while the bulk of Penrose’s magical girls were scrambling. It just depended on what your patron was telling you to do. She wanted to join the graveyard fight, but she was instead tasked with grabbing a mint agent and squeezing information out of them. It was pretty simple. The mint had a large force, and they weren’t nimble enough to mobilize without observant eyes taking notice. It was only natural that they would choose to move during a large scale event like this. The poor guy got abducted and dragged into Tetrad’s interdimensional home before he even knew what happened. It wasn’t like he was a magical girl. Without an escort, it was all too easy for Tetrad to overpower him. [color=75c159]”Gee, is this too risque for a first date? I just don’t want him to think I’m boring.”[/color] Tetrad was examining herself in a mirror. While she had been a magical girl for years, she’d only been working for Crimson Cradle for a few weeks. Her old uniform was something akin to a maid’s outfit, much like the rest of her squad mates. But after changing patrons, her outfit did too. Some would find her corset leotard indecent, but she like it. People had a tendency to comment on it a lot more. And the pockets were a nice touch! Maid uniforms really needed more pockets. She spun on her heel. [color=75c159]”You don’t like talking much, do you?”[/color] Tetrad’s lair looked like like a typical dive bar. Complete with poor lighting, walls of booze, darts and pool, and a floor that was in desperate need of a mop. An interesting addition was the man in black tied to a board. His legs were elevated off the floor by a step stool. He was still wearing his shades, and there was a rag resting on the edge of a filthy mop bucket not too far away from him. Tetrad’s his swayed side to side with each step she took towards him. [color=75c159]”Well, that’s fine.”[/color] Tetrad placed a finger on either side of his shades and slowly pulled them off. Using utmost care, she folded the shades closed and placed them beside his head. Tetrad reached for the cloth hanging off the side of the bucket. [color=75c159]”I prefer to get to know people through emotional expression over words anyway.”[/color] The MiB struggled to break free, but he couldn’t move. Tetrad could tie some pretty mean knots. She draped the cloth over his face and pressed all of the folds out of it. The cloth over his mouth and nose moved as he breathed. His panic was evident. [color=75c159]”And you are going to be expressing a [i]lot[/i] of emotion.”[/color] [hr] Some time after the skies cleared up, Tetrad decided to pop back into Penrose. She had a smile on her lips when she contacted her employer. [i][color=75c159]”Special delivery for Veronica: One delicious slice of lintel coming right up.”[/color][/i] It wasn’t technically “intel” yet, but Veronica understood her. Probably. [i][color=#bd71e8]“The mission was a success then?”[/color][/i] Tetrad’s grin widened. [i][color=75c159]”Oh Veronica? Are you really going to make me say it? Just do it, disrobe my mind. Look at the naked truth with your own eyes…”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“You’d do well to remember I’m not [b]her[/b]. But very well.”[/color][/i] Tetrad pouted. [i][color=75c159]”You’re no fun.”[/color][/i] It was quiet while Vernica looked through the information Tetrad had collected. She didn’t feel a thing, but she knew it was happening. [i][color=#bd71e8]“I will have a scout confirm this information, but I’m expecting it to be correct. An agent will be dispatched to deal with the MiB in your care. Mission complete.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Now if only I could forgive you for making me skip out on the monster mash at the graveyard.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“You know why I didn’t let you go.”[/color][/i] She rolled her eyes. [i][color=75c159]”I know too much to be sensibly deployed where a known Psychic girl is lurking. Certainly when they’re as strong as Regina.”[/color][/i] She sighed. [i][color=75c159]”Doesn’t mean I need to be happy about it.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“I can fill you in on what happened.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Now we’re talkin’!”[/color][/i] Tetrad disguised herself as a middle aged man before walking onto the street. There were likely mint agents in the area looking for her victim. Walking around just in costume probably wasn’t a good idea. [i][color=75c159]”Was it also mission complete?”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“Close enough.”[/color][/i] Tetrad could hear Veronica smile. [i][color=#bd71e8]“I had hoped Soth’s ritual would destroy Amber’s body, but the Bates were sloppy in retrieving it and were spotted. They managed to get attacked by some ghost girls. They were either seen by a mint agent, or the ghost girls themselves were mint agents. Regardless, they discovered Amber didn’t use the coin despite my best efforts. They would have found it eventually, even if I hadn't said anything.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Eh, not to shame the great Vermilion Veronica, but that makes this entire gamble feel like a waste. It’s only a matter of time before they look into Amber’s former Patron and spot his new magical girl. A dark magical girl that has the same name as Amber’s familiar would be worth investigating to me.”[/color] [/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“I had wanted her to leave Boteg and take on an identity removed from her old one. but Su is just as stubborn as Amber was. Regardless, such a secret cannot remain hidden forever. All we can do now is delay the inevitable for as long as possible. Every day, I become more prepared for our final fight.”[/color][/i] Veronica trailed off. [i][color=#bd71e8]“On the up side, Everything went according to the scenario, save the Bate's survival. Soth has left and Crimson Cradle’s operations have begun in earnest. Considering the Mint attacked me after I proposed we take down Soth together, I’m going to say things went well enough.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Wait, what?”[/color][/i] Tetrad found herself physically laughing. This meant everyone around her would see a middle aged man throw back his head and laugh like a mad man. [i][color=75c159]”Mint thinks you’re a bigger threat than some world devouring horror? That’s hilarious! We’re public enemy number one already!”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“They are not fools, they are wise to fear me so much. Understand that I tell you this because the Mint is gunning for us hard. If they knew the type of things you had locked away in your head, I’m certain they’d make your capture a priority.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Good thing you’ve got a fail safe in case that happens.”[/color][/i] Like most of the cradle agents. Veronica had a special relationship with Tetrad. She trusted her with more information than most. The drawback was that she wasn’t allowed around people that could easily read her mind. And if someone managed to, all of the information inside of it would be wiped away with an irriversable stroke of amnesia. [i][color=75c159]”Just turn me into an RPG protagonist if things get bad.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“You’re becoming bored with this topic, and can no longer take it seriously. I suppose you weren’t interested in Silhouette’s recollection of the graveyard anyway.”[/color][/i] Tetrad’s eyes lit up. [i][color=75c159]”N-no! I’m interested! I uh, I’m just a little, you know, I just feel good because I completed a mission. ”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“I’m glad that’s all it is. Since I have your mind ‘disrobed,’ I’ll just put her memories of the event inside you.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Oh…”[/color][/i] Tetrad looked ahead and saw an empty chair about fifty feet away. She began power walking towards it. [i][color=75c159]”Just let me get seated first, alright?”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“That feels like a waste of time.”[/color][/i] Tetrad broke into a run. [color=75c159]”Shiiiiiiit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-GAAHHHHH!”[/color] When Veronica looked into Tetrad’s mind, she could barely feel a thing. Having memories forcibly shoved inside one’s mind was a bit more noticeable. There was a prickling sensation that enveloped the back of her head, and even crept down her spine when receiving memories that were longer than a few minutes. It was very stimulating, and often caused Tetrad to lose her balance. The transfers were not instantaneous, and moving during them was nigh impossible. It was like being under the effect of sleep paralysis. She was aware of her surroundings but only able to twitch her muscles during the entire transfer. Tetrad went limp across the arm wrests of the chair. She had to wonder if laughing, then running over to a cafe chair to pass out had caused anyone to wonder if she had any problems. [i][color=#bd71e8]“Enjoy that?”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Yea It was great.”[/color][/i] Tetrad stood up and kicked the chair over. [i][color=75c159]”Next time let’s get a room so that we don’t inadvertently draw the Mint’s attention.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“I want you to have a few eyes on you right now. But we’ll get to that later. Do you have Sam’s memories?”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Oh yea.”[/color][/i] Tetrad chuckled. [i][color=75c159]”Everything from her slicing up those magical girls to leaving the scene. And… oh!”[/color][/i] Tetrad raised her eyebrows. [i][color=#bd71e8]“There are a few things in her memories that I wanted you to see. Tell me what you notice.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Well for starters, that portal that swallowed up Elroy’s arm. That clearly leads into the catacombs. which means we’re probably dealing with ‘aqualung.’Who is…”[/color][/i] She sighed. [i][color=75c159]”A memory thief or whatever. Sounds like I’m going to miss out if he gets involved in things.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“Depends. We don’t know what Grandfather is doing in Penrose yet. But have you found anything else?”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Naturally, the catacombs didn’t just appear out of nowhere. The mirror girl and the other one who’s…Uh, why does she look so weird?”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“She’s trying to hide with cloaking magic, but Sam has special vision. Such tricks don’t work on her.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Oh cool. Well, they have gray eyes. That paired with the portal to the catacombs means they’re his girls. Grandfather’s gifted have monochromatic eyes like that.”[/color] [/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“Someone’s been studying.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”I try to remember the most fearsome horrors.”[/color][/i] She stroked her chin. [i][color=75c159]”Anything else? The fight with the Bates is a little busy, so I can’t really focus on anything except for how cute Mika is.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“Well, Mika is rather cute.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”What?”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“I said Sam finds Mika rather cute. It’s understandable you’d get that impression from her memories.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”I believe you.”[/color][/i] Tetrad grinned. [i][color=75c159]”Anyway, thank you. That could have been a Christmas gift.”[/color][/i] [i][color=#bd71e8]“It is not often I do such things, even with your level of clearance. It was also important to show you Mika, as I have a mission involving her that you will complete.”[/color][/i] [i][color=75c159]”Really?”[/color][/i] [hr] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4bea0f5298c687f13222714ecfd3dad3/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so5_r2_640.png[/img][/center] Mika was feeling pretty good about arranging Lupa’s recovery. But she had to keep her end of the bargain, and that meant convincing Su and Helga to let the ghosts stay. She was pretty sure Helga wouldn’t have a problem with it, but Su could be a bit harder to convince, as she was less trusting of strangers. She ran for the Hotel as fast as she could, but she was going to encounter another surprise visitor. This one looked like one of those ladies who stood on street corners and sold love to people. She’d never seen them in Penrose, but Mika didn’t think it was a bad omen. A lot of people around the city don’t have any love in their lives, so it was good that they could buy some if they needed it. Fortunately Su, Helga, Boteg, the weird girl and masked guy, and those magical girls at the graveyard all showed Mika a lot of love. She couldn’t possibly take any more. But it seemed like regardless of what Mika wanted, they were going to approach her. [color=75c159]”Why Hello Mika! Don’t you look happy today?”[/color] [color=tomato]“You know my name?”[/color] [color=75c159]”Yes! I’m one of Veronica’s friends. Call me Tetrad.”[/color] She looked around before focusing squarely on Mika. [color=75c159]”I have a gift for you! Would you like a gift?”[/color] Mika pushed her fingers together. [color=tomato]“I don’t really need any love ma’am.”[/color] Tetrad inhaled deeply, but she kept her smile up. [color=75c159]”The gift is from Veronica, for protecting Silhouette. ”[/color] One of her eyes twitched. [color=tomato]“Really?”[/color] Mika tipped her head. [color=tomato]“I don’t think I helped that much. But okay!”[/color] [color=75c159]”Of course, it’s rude to turn away a gift anyway.”[/color] Tetrad reached into a pouch on her utility belt and pulled out a jeweled circlet. She placed it on top of Mika’s head and brushed her hair around it so that it would fit snugly. [color=tomato]“Oh, it’s pretty!”[/color] Mika took a picture of herself using her phone. [color=tomato]“Tell her thank you for me!”[/color] [color=75c159]”It’s not just a decoration, silly.”[/color] Tetrad put her hands out in front of herself. [color=75c159]”You can use it to make platforms in front of your hands and feet.”[/color] [color=tomato]“Hmm?”[/color] Mika put her hands out in front of herself like a mime, and sure enough, an opaque barrier appeared in front of her hands. [color=tomato]“Cool!”[/color] [color=75c159]”Pretty neat, huh?”[/color] She waved her hand. [color=75c159]”I’ll tell her you like it. You go do whatever it is you were doing.”[/color] [color=tomato]“Will do!”[/color] Mika said before running into the Golden Trove. Today was turning out to be so exciting! If she was any happier, she might just explode.