[@Eviledd1984] The man noticed her. Of course he fucking did. Gritting her teeth in annoyment, Vanessa tried to speed past, ignoring him. That didn't work, though, as the man began talking. Nessa kept her body posture closed off and guarded, frowning at the supposed werewolf. [color=823d99]"What the fuck are you on about? Are you drunk or something?"[/color] Nessa asked, holding her hands in a closed position. Looking over the man, she molded her face to fit the description of someone confused and afraid. [color=823d99]"You should be grateful I'm not calling the cops on [i]you[/i] for harrassing and stalking an innocent woman,"[/color] she huffed. How did this man even know how to look for her specifically? Could he sense her fear, or did he just go up to every person doing the same monologue until he hit the right target? Nessa was acting confused, but beneath that she was actually confused, too.