Alright, so I believe I've managed to get the core of what I wanted with this character down, though I rearranged some things in adding more details to it. Sorry if it's a bit on the wordy side, but I tried to squeeze as much of her life in there as I could. [hider=Nira] [b]Name:[/b] [indent][color=a167de]Nira Wildheart[/color] (Formerly Note Relle.)[/indent] [b]Theme:[/b] [indent] [hider=Chasing storms] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] [/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Species:[/b] [indent]Pixie[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Not much taller than your average pixie, her hair is a noticeable copper brown against her pale skin as it flows down past her shoulders. Her grey blue eyes seem to softly sit in her face, peeking out from underneath her hair with a curious yet excited light in them when it gets in the way. Beyond that, she's of about average build for your typical female pixie, with her wings matching the color of her hair, and a few curious markings of the same color wrapping around her wrists.[/indent] [b]Goals:[/b] [indent]Definitely survive for right now, but once that's covered, she wants to just go out and explore the world. From there she hopes to learn elemental spells and maybe even open her own business one day.[/indent] [b]Past Life:[/b] [hider=The whole thing] [indent] Though Nira's parents were by no means rich, they were well off enough from their respective careers to try and raise a child right. But life ended up having other plans, as Nira was born with a condition that, if not treated daily, would leave her body to faint and give out on her for most of her future life. So Nira, though still raised and taught by two loving parents, spent most of her life confined to the hospital. This didn't mean her days passed by with nothing to do however, as a combination of visits, homeschooling, daily treatments, physical therapy (when possible), and videogames (Rpg's and management games, sometimes to 100%) kept her weeks full of a semblance that she could almost call a normal life. Growing up though, she realized within the short pauses that she had that she wasn't really going to get much better than this, even for as much as her parents and doctors told her that the hope was still there. She also realized however, that the voice in the back of her head was unique to her. Though her parents and doctors had at first been worried when she told them about it at a young age, it apparently turned out to be something benign that they couldn't make heads or tails of. At first they suspected it might be some kind of mental illness, but through thorough testing and evaluation it was ruled out, though medication was suggested. From her reported experiences with it, the best theory at hand seemed to be that her subconscious was talking to her, quite literally in fact. Though at most it was only short sentences and two word statements, it seemed to remind her of things or make insights by saying stuff like "get food" when she was hungry or "maybe help?" when she saw something happening. Frankly she found it quite annoying most of the time, but in the instances when she was left with her own thoughts she found a bit of comfort in making what little fake conversations she could with it. She would often have these conversations as she stared at the world outside, wondering what it would be like to explore it. But before she could really come to terms with her potential life of eternal medication and strained dreams, her life was cut short at the age of 16. During the day before at one of her physical therapy sessions, she had decided to once again run through the halls of the hospital to feel the little bit of freedom it gave her. Though her body still stumbled under her commands as she avoided crashing into others, she couldn't help but feel a sense of elation as it did what she wanted, even if just for a little bit. Of course the very next day she payed for it by being unable to move much on her own and the staff, though familiar with her antics by now, scolded her for causing trouble again. Smiling as she ignored the consequences, she drifted off to sleep… Only to wake up to the sound of a tornado siren and high winds as everyone was rushing to evacuate the patients. In the chaos that followed though, it ultimately seemed that the staff had run out of time to evacuate everyone, as shortly after waking up the tornado tore through the building, destroying walls and tossing Nira out of bed. It was a dozen moments before she woke up from the daze to find herself on her side, rubble lying everywhere as she looked out into the new view of the world she had somehow been afforded, the sound of a starting fire alerting her that she needed to move. But even if she had been able to, she couldn't really see another future for herself besides being trapped yet again by the walls and medicine needed to keep her alive. And so, as she rolled over and gave up, the little voice in her head screaming to move, she couldn't help but wonder at the destructive power of nature. With the flames fanned by the wind of her new view, they eventually forced the rest of the room to fall down on top of her as she closed her eyes. And woke up in the void, a "what" in the back of her head letting her know the voice was still with her... [i]somehow[/i].[/indent] [/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] [indent]Minor Heal I - Lesser Flight I - Shield I - [/indent] [b]Transformations:[/b] Pixie > ??? [b]Inventory:[/b] Nothing as of yet. [hider=text colors] [color=a167de]Nira[/color] color=a167de [color=a187ae]Mind-Voice[/color] color=a187ae [/hider] [/hider]