[@Voltus_Ventus] The A.I has a direct comms link from the authority so we kind of got something like that. Definately, the party is meant to be faceless so I'm glad I put that image through. The OS ironically is really low in the party power scale. That's why he's on the ship, he more akin to some petty expendable manager that's been shuffled into a bad position. They knew he's got a low chance of coming back alive, but the party got to have someone there to keep an eye on the crew. Plus most importantly...if someone in the party WAS blamed, instead of the director who put zelta crew together the OverSeer gets the blame. It helps they're normally dead so they can't defend themselve either. I mean, he WAS the over seer. [i]"He was directly managing them, who elses fault could it be that zelta crew died/turned traitor/ mutated into space nymph psycho cyborgs"[/i] Happens rarely, most of the time it's the captain but it's an extra buffer. Powerful people exploiting less power people who exploit even less powerful people.