[hider=Jaime WIP] Name: Jaime “James” Alvarez Age: 36 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/306636457437560832/587856328609759233/b732ea137dc78438b9fa446cfadf7d90.jpg?width=373&height=559[/IMG] Height, build, facial structure. Voice and mannerisms, even. A picture may be attached, but oh, so help me if it's anime. Agency/Organization: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Special Agent. Education: University of Miami, Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology, minor in anthropology Criminal Investigators Training Program (CITP) Special Agent Basic Training (SABT) ATF Industry Operations Investigator Basic Training Background: Born in Little Havana, Miami, Florida, Alvarez is the son of Doctor Miguel Alvarez, a 3rd generation Mexican American family doctor with a practice in Little Havana, and Isabella Alvarez, a Cuban refugee who fled the Castro regime in 1975 when she was 22-years-old by bribing a smuggler to bring her and 13 other refugee hopefuls to Miami, Florida, where she claimed refugee status after her parents were prosecuted by G2, the Cuban secret police, for accusations of espionage when her father was apprehended taking photographs near a military installation. Despite his protests that he was simply a nature photographer Isabella’s father was apprehended and her mother shortly after according to Isabella’s testimony. Fearing for her safety, Isabella petitioned extended family for help, and she was soon on a boat towards the United States. She would never learn of her parents’ fate. Soon after her refugee claim was accepted, Isabella became a custodian at a Little Havana fitness center where she met Miguel, an American with deep ties to family on both sides of the American and Mexican border, who was at the time working towards his medical doctorate at the University of Miami. The two remained friends for a few years until they began dating and eventually married in 1981, where Jaime was born on October 17th, 1983. Jaime’s childhood was unremarkable, unlike his mother’s journey; he attended Citrus Grove Elementary School as a straight A student who was likeable, if shy and reserved. Later, he would attend Green Springs High School where he excelled at the sciences and mathematics, and it seemed all but certain that he would follow in his father’s footsteps in the field of medicine. He was in grade 10 when news of his uncle Hernandez Alvarez passing away from cocaine overdose, striking Jaime with grief and a sense of injustice as he witnessed his father openly sob for the first time in his life; Hernandez had been close with his brother and was a large part of the family, but debt and a rocky marriage had made him make regrettable decisions that would ultimately cost him his life. Jaime then decided that he needed to take matters into his own hands and pursue a career in law enforcement or criminal justice; he began to focus on psychology and criminology, and well as anthropology for insights into addictions and the drug trade that had claimed his uncle. Jaime graduated from High School and was immediately enrolled in the University of Miami under scholarship for a major in criminology in 1996, where he spent the next four years applying himself with a sense of drive that eluded many of his fellow students, even going so far as keeping a framed portrait of Hernandez in his dormitory desk to remind him of what he had set out to do. Not everything was all strictly business during his university years. Jaime had informally introduced himself to other students as James, going so far as to use that name when submitting reports to avoid frequent corrections of people mispronouncing his name, a habit that would carry onto his future employment. He was a prolific reader, made a pair of girlfriends, one of whom, Gabby Clifford, remained with him well into his employment with the ATF, going so far as to rent a high rise condo after his employment. Jaime kept close with his father and mother, who at this time had left her custodial job to focus on her love of music, where she got her start playing guitar in bars and street festivals. Both helped Jaime financially as he expressed interest in joining a sailing club and a college baseball team, of which he would remain a lifetime Miami Marlins fan. Through this clubs he became close friends with Nick Clemons, a grandson of Haitian immigrants who had legally changed their surname within a year of arrival Stateside. The two were largely inseparable, despite a distinctly different career path; Jaime was determined to join the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and Nick had his sights on the coastguard if his promising talents in baseball didn’t get him scouted first. He graduated in 2000 with honors and applied to the ATF almost immediately, getting hired on several months after his application was submitted, his physical and background check conducted, and his references cleared. Early 2001, he began his career by starting in the Criminal Investigators Training Program up in Glynco, Georgia where he studied everything ranging from tactical driving, firearms handling (something his father was not too keen on, despite Jaime purchasing a personal Glock 17 after graduation), crime scene management, and other aspects of police investigations and forensics. Due to much of this program being quite a departure from his academic background, he struggled with the more confrontational aspects such as interviewing and handcuffing procedures, as well as his firearms proficiency given his inexperience with them, but his hard work ethic paid off and he graduated in the top third of the 12 week program, moving onto the Special Agent Basic Training program. SABT made the difficulties Jaime experienced in CITP exasperated given its much more physically rigorous training process, which involved hand-to-hand fighting techniques, hard physical training, and advanced firearms and tactical training. While he worked at becoming passable in those fields, and eventually quite competent, he excelled at writing reports and identifying illicit substances, firearms, and the other academic fields. Thanks to his own personal handgun and practicing on his own time at the range, Jaime became a very proficient shot with a handgun and other weapons, such as pump-action shotguns and M4 carbines, came much easier afterwards and he was able to begin to excel at the tactical training and shooting training, reaching the peak physical condition of his life and finding a degree of confidence he’d been lacking in the more dangerous and demanding aspects of his career. Upon graduation, Jaime was posted in Tampa, Florida, where he broke off the relationship with Gabby due to her not being able to relocate because of her own educational and career aspirations, although Nick came with him to Tampa to find work after his own graduation and the two young men split costs to make the fairly pricy gulf city more affordable. Jaime’s posting Personality: Try to get detailed with this. You'll want to know how they'll react if they ever come across a drug-fueled sacrificial blood orgy to Nyarlathotep. Family, Friends, and Associates: Miguel Alvarez, father Isabella Alvarez, mother Hernandez Alvarez, uncle (deceased) Gabby Clifford, ex-girlfriend Nick Clemons, best friend Likes: -Baseball -Fishing -Farmers Markets -Reading -Sailing -Hiking Dislikes: -Crowds and loud places -Sensationalist news -Cults -Arrogance -Places that are assuredly haunted Fears: Ever since Alvarez’s encounter with the Día de Muertos spirit cult he has been haunted by frequent sightings of spirits and ghosts, and although most are benign in nature, he has seen full well that malicious ones are capable of possession and what that does to a person; the very concept terrifies him and if he senses something very dark and wrong, fear grips him and he will insist on leaving immediately. For this reason, Alvarez is much more at ease in remote locations and quiet areas that haven’t been the location of mass death and violence; many dark spirits and ghosts linger in such places and the likelihood of encountering one that wishes you harm increases exponentially. Bullets cannot harm the intangible, and talismans only do so much to ward off malice. Skills: Gifted: Awareness, Forensics Adept: Criminology, Persuade, Law Average: Marksmanship; handguns, Tactical Driving, First Aid Novice: Subterfuge, Psychology, Marksmanship; long guns, Anthropology Weaknesses: Alvarez isn’t exactly in peak physical condition; years of methodically scouring crime scenes, analyzing evidence in a lab, communing with the dead, and writing up reports along with the inability to resist great smelling food have left him with a physique that can generously be described as just above average; he works out every other day for an hour to an hour and a half and he drinks a lot of water, but most of the team on Delta Green can literally run laps around him. However, he exceeds the bare minimum for the fitness tests and has passible strength and endurance; he just has more cerebral pursuits in mind. Sleep isn’t something that comes easily to Alvarez, especially if he’s put up in a hotel in a city; the dead are everywhere and they have a habit of having a presence that can pull even the deepest sleeper wide awake. Energy drinks and coffee do the bare minimum to keep him alert at the worst of times, and if an area is particularly heavy in spectral presence, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate what’s real and what’s the spirits; it affects his judgement and mental acuity. To compensate for this, he often takes quick naps when things are calm and has been found with his head down on his desk from time to time; it’s not often he gets more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep on a good night, and the others know he often uses the times he is forced awake to work. Off-Duty Clothing/Equipment: Clothing: Often jeans or Carharts workpants with side pockets, t-shirts, button up shirts, hiking boots. Tends to stick with shades of browns and greens; he doesn’t like to stand out. Weapons: Conceal Carry: Gen 4 Glock 27 .40 S&W, usually kept in a jacket pocket or a waist holster. [IMG]https://www.ganderoutdoors.com/dw/image/v2/BCJK_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-global-master-catalog/default/dwffe9d7f9/images/large/202656_1.jpg?sw=1350&sh=1000&sm=fit[/IMG] Tools/Equipment: A tape recorder, a digital camera, a portable forensics kit including swabs, vials, gloves, a black light, a tape measure, numbers markers etc., a Gerber multitool, mini maglight Operational Clothing/Equipment: Nothing that would remove all doubt that you are part of the US military/are American. NATO weaponry is fine, but not required. Clothing: Typical BDU pants with regional appropriate colour (tan or olive), hiking boots, fingerless gloves British commando-style sweater (black or olive) or flannel shirt and t-shirt depending on temperatures, level II vest with magazine pouches, first aid kit, camelback, and usual equipment across various tac pouches. Radio has a headset, wears an olive “patrol” cap. [hider=References][IMG]https://image.sportsmansguide.com/adimgs/l/1/173035r_ts.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71bQRUduQ6L._UX522_.jpg [/IMG] [/hider] Weapons: Open Carry: Heckler & Koch MP7 4.6x30mm Personal Defense Weapon, kept on a special open leg holster for quick deployment, equipped with a flashlight [hider=MP7][IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3a/ba/9f/3aba9fbe39bd14d8d6f1cd04e0ea5cb2.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Tools/Equipment: Maglight, glowsticks, Gerber multitool, emergency first aid kit, radio with headset, authorized tablet, digital camera, voice recorder, forensics kit, SOG Seal Pup fixed blade knife [/hider]