[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/8ih7nopgh/2839c44382003e9256bef6b48c73e9b8.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@ColouredCyan][@eclecticwitch] [@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190606/c1df1fc37a66d37bd1485102885c5205.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=639A5E]"...If you could, I need to go talk to my father and let him know what has happened and what you are going to attempt, so that at least somewhat he is prepared in case you are unable to wake her up,"[/color] Flynn said, looking over at the others as he backed away somewhat. It was true, he did need to alert his father to what is going on. [color=fdc68a]"Well, fortunately rousing people from comas is easier with mutations. Previously, you simply just tried to find the right drug to wake them up.... but now, I believe if you can find someone with telepathy they should be able to wake the Queen,"[/color] October said with a smile. [color=fdc68a]"Of course, I also believe my wife could astrally project and wake her, perhaps guided with dear Annie's intuition."[/color] [color=639A5E]"Just see what you can do, I'll be back,"[/color] he responded, before leaving the room. [hr] "How about you both settle down!" Howard snapped at both of them, looking between the two. "Now, Guin, you have a fair point, who is to say what reality is which, or which one is the original. However, none of that matters now! What does matter is that it is clear that someone messed with reality, and if they did it once, they can do it again rather easily. So no matter which way you choose, the one responsible for all of this needs to be stopped, so that they don't mess with reality any more than before! If you saw people you recognized as good people, those are ones you can trust, unless they are close to the royal family really, as Guin does not want to tell Pietro since he might tell Wanda, even though he can potentially be trusted his twin not so much. So go back to the palace and find your friends." [hr] Alex looked over at Max, [color=2d5eb9]"Why would you break me out just to answer a few questions? As for what I said, it's the truth, and honestly you probably shouldn't have broken me out at all, especially if you plan to be lying about anything to the royal family, since let me tell you, they know when you are lying. The Queen was the only one of the family with powers that weren't exactly violent. She can create holographic projections and can see into the past, honestly she probably can know more about you then you yourself do. Still though, not sure you would want to be where you are currently standing, people like you aren't exactly welcome around here,"[/color] he said, and he was looking at someone behind Max. Suddenly, Max would feel and be able to see out of the corner of his eye a sword blade pressed up against his neck, and he would be able to see that it had a slightly black aura of power around it. [color=FF17F2]"Don't move, otherwise I'll slice your throat open,"[/color] a female voice said, right behind Max now. Alex hesitated for a moment, almost as if he wasn't going to do anything, before he let out a sigh, [color=2d5eb9]"Klara, calm down alright, he's fine, he's the one who kind of broke me out of the palace dungeons..."[/color] [color=FF17F2]"You know perfectly well what people like him can do Alex."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"I know that, but just put the sword down, and you're one to talk, you technically have powers too..."[/color] [color=FF17F2]"My "powers" stem from magic and you know it,"[/color] she snapped back, lowering her sword finally. If Max turned to look at her, he'd see a [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/fbfc7748a6004eb17d14c9b7f133d560/tumblr_inline_o1l3slaUIt1tae3h3_250.gif]young girl[/url] who looked about as old as Max was, maybe even a bit younger, wearing a hoodie, jeans and what looked like combat boots, but she had a sword sheath across her back as she twirled her sword around and sheathed it again. [color=FF17F2]"You have maybe five minutes to explain yourself otherwise you'll be dead before you can use your powers."[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190606/053a175b26554199de7129761c57c937.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=007236][i]"No offense Casper, but you are certainly not the first person I would choose to haunt... Not to mention I am not dead yet! I also have a name you know, so don't just call me Ginger! Especially considering saying that could mean generally either me or my psychopathic serial killer sister who might I remind you tried to kill you at one point."[/i][/color] [color=A41E45]"Damn it.... Where the hell is my sister?!?!?! Où est ma sœur?!"[/color] Gambit asked instantly, he stopped what he was doing and wasn't fighting against Bobbi at all. Rogue seemed a bit dazed by Ana's powers, however she shook her head and the cloud of confusion disappeared. [color=9C00FF]"Guessing you mean the one who got hurt, she's in the next room over. Think I managed to bandage her injuries correctly..."[/color] Jack commented, coming into the doorway now. Gambit shoved Jack out of his way, breaking off at a run towards where Marygold was. After telling him that, Jack went back to the other room, this time going to go check on Lexi. When he entered the room he saw that Lexi had fallen asleep where she had been sitting, and he chuckled slightly at that. Rogue looked over at Casper, figuring that there had to be some explanation for what happened, otherwise Chrysi probably would have killed them all years ago. [color=CFFF5C]"Alright, spill, what happened?"[/color] [color=007236][i]"Don't try lying to Rogue Casper, honestly she can smell a liar a mile away if you ask me."[/i][/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190606/749bbb4431d57de6ed5194316f8460f5.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Lance got outside of the jet, having been ahead of everyone else (and invisible) and he stopped suddenly when he saw the Hulk. That was definitely not what he had expected to see. It wasn't like he'd ever encountered the Hulk before, but, there was something familiar about the Hulk, almost like he was used to being around him, but he had no idea why it was like that. He turned visible again, ignoring Runa really about not going up to him. [color=yellow]"...Dad?"[/color] Wolverine rolled his eyes slightly at the group, at the moment he felt like he was surrounded by idiots considering the people he was around, [color=a2d39c]"For reference in case anyone else who remembers reality doesn't know who Diggby is, she's with the X-Men currently, and tends to pick fights there too from what I know,"[/color] he said with a slight shrug before walking off the plane as well. The Hulk let out a gigantic roar, slamming his fists into the ground in anger. The green beast's eyes darted around, taking in everything suspiciously and he started to charge, about to punch Maria when he suddenly stopped. By some stroke of luck, the plan to just lower their arms worked. The Hulk started to stumble backwards, the green color of his skin fading away as within moments, a puny scientist that was clothed only in a pair of pants left in a heap on the ground in the Australian sun. [color=8dc73f]"....Hey buddy... I guess you have questions?"[/color] he asked, his voice sounding parched. [color=yellow]"Oh, I guess you can say that..."[/color] Lance commented, nodding his head slightly at that. He personally wasn't too sure about whether or not he could actually trust the people that were supposedly "helping" them or saying that they were on their side.