[center][color=gold][b][h1]Bakuto 'The Living Dragon'[/h1][/b][/color] [hider=Appearance Normal][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/ffa1/f/2014/135/3/e/aace_new_rpc_xd_png_by_korikorinii_adoption-d7ifuu1.png[/img][/hider] Location: The White Pearl Interaction: Everyone on the Ship[/center] [hr] [indent]Bakuto landing on the ship and made his way up the mast and into the crow's nest once the ship. He stayed there most of the trip mostly napping. He did help get the ship going when needed but he spent his time just either gazing out over see or napping in the crows nest. He heard his captain say something about pillaging, something he isn't fond of but he lept out of the crow's nest and lands on deck of the ship when he hears the captain say marines. Bakuto grabbed the rail of the ship as we walks towards the edge of the ship and he just looks at the marine ship. Squeezing his fist trying to suppress his anger for marines who he use to be a member of he then says without looking away, [color=gold]"What you want to do captain?"[/color] He hears he hears Adam say something about them being just marines Bakuto instantly says, [color=gold]"Don't underestimate the marines. While a normal solider might not look like they can challenge most. It is a good way of getting captured. Who ever is in charge of that ship might not be a normal marine."[/color] Bakuto turns and looks at his captain finally looking away from the ship, [color=gold]"We might want to be wary here. If they have a transponder snail they could get a call out and could make our trip to Loguetown a bit more difficult, but this your call captain."[/color][/indent]