[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=ed1c24][center]Arael[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][right][sub]Interactions [@Lord Of Evil][/sub][/right][hr][hr] "[color=ed1c24]Ohh I also hope I meet you again, we had a lovely chat.[/color]" Arael said while not really focusing on the conversation as she was looking at the academy. I wonder where I will be stud... [color=fff200]Angel, there seems to be more warlocks here than I expected, try to find all of them and make sure they know they are nothing compared to us.[/color] the demon interrupted her. She noticed that he sounded scared, maybe Rarkel was scared of some demon here. [color=ed1c24]Ok, I will make myself known to the others.[/color] "[color=ed1c24]Ohh right, I forgot to tell your demon, if he doesn't like you or wants to connect with someone stronger he can come to me.[/color]" She said with a devious smile on her face. [hr] As she was looking through the cracks of the crowd trying to see more of the room she suddenly heard a new voice in her head, it wasn't Rarkel, it was a woman's voice and it seemed like most of the other students also reacted. THIS MUST BE TELEPATHY, she thought to herself. The woman in her head could probably read her mind and therefore probably already knew Araels plans to rule over the warlocks in this academy. The stone structure that was towering in the distance was very beautiful, she was very excited to get to learn what would be taught in that building. [right][sub]//ooc. I'm sorry for this being short but I wanted to let yall move on haha.[/sub][/right]