[Centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjAwMDAwMC5SVzl0WlhJLC4w/respecty.regular.png[/img][/centre] Is it really all about alcohol with you" Eomer grumbled quietly towards Ezlan, a scowl adorning his (slightly scarred) face. "We're not here for you to show off how well you can tell one set of booze from 'nother, we're all here because we want, and have the ability, to work". It was true enough though, each of this group had been chosen for this, specifically, for some reason. He did have a suspicion however that the lady was hadn't finished speaking yet, or at the very least there was more to this task than what she said there was. Why else would they form a team of individuals, none of which he had worked with before and he assumed they hadn't either, if this wasn't something an already formed group could perform? He was excited however, a new place to explore, new challenges ahead, and something he had never experienced before: adventuring with another team of individuals. He sent a sideways glance at each of his new companions, eyeing them up and judging each of them silentl, lingering especially long on the Caerbean. He assumed most of them had never served under a woman before, at least knowingly. Up north it was surprisingly common for a woman to head up a gang of bandits, with some being amongst the most sasadistic and twisted people this badlander had either met.