Hello! Welcome to the Character Creator! Here are the basic rules for the character creator! 1: Each stat cost 1 stat point. 2: No more than 15 starting stat points. 3: you get 3 new stat points after each Level up. 4: Do not make a character with overpowered abilities. 5: Use hit-dice as atk: E.G: Fireball: launches a fireball 20 ft in front of the caster that does 1d6 points of fire damage for 1d3 rounds and 2d6 points of explosion damage upon impact. Here is the Character sheet format: Race: --- Name: --- Gender: --- HP: --- AP: --- DP: --- Stats: str: --- dex: --- con: --- wis: --- int: --- cha: --- Abilities: ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Races are: Human, Scrapers (robotic), Oron (Alien) Stats: Str (Strength) ability to use heavy weapons, Armour and lift heavy objects. Dex (Dexterity) ability to run, jump, climb and agility based skills. Con (Constitution) health, stamina, and vital force. Wis (Wisdom) ability to acknowledge natural and unnatural things and how quickly you can learn things. Int (Intelligence) ability to learn and use complex things or weapons and craft things. Cha (Charisma) Effects recruiting and Diplomacy. Human base stats: Str: 3 Dex: 2 Con: 1 Wis: 4 Int: 3 Cha: 5 HP: 23 AP: 9 DP: 0 Can create lots of different things and know how to use guns. Scraper base stats: Str: 9 Dex: 3 Con: 4 Wis: 1 Int: 0 Cha: 0 HP: 35 AP: 5 DP: 16 Can fabricate thing's and use tech to their advantage. Oron base stats: Str: 2 Dex: 7 Con: 2 Wis: 6 Int: 5 Cha: 6 HP: 12 AP: 14 DP: 0 Smart and swift but horrible in combat without good weapons. (all of this + 15 stat points and Level up points and Armour bonus) (you can have as many as you want, even control multiple at a time, but this is difficult.) Finally: you can create custom races if you want, but I must approve of them first or modify them to make them balanced (please include base stats and abilities. Thank you!) That's all! Have fun creating characters!