[@officaz] Conceptually he's fine, brother but there are some things I'd like to see revised before I accept it. [hider] 1: You lost the code to the sheet. This is stuff that was in it like [code] [hider] [color=antique white][/color] [/code] ectr. Please include this as it makes it look nicer. Or at least the hider since it makes browsing multiple sheets down the line easier. 2: I'd like a picture in the ID area. The picture can be of any style or medium. 3: There are some typos. 4: Traits are sort not phrased and explained in the way I showed in my example character-Michal Warrant- You can add a little to traits like Starlance's character did if you keep it very, very brief. 5: I'd maybe like a little more personality to the recommendations. Remember that in the context of the sheet we're getting a sort of officer perspective on him and as to why they're being put forward to ZELTA crew. The person doing this is most likely very aware that anyone going on this crew is going to die or be lost in space for a very long time and as such is being shifted about as expendable. Unless said officer is very niave/optimistic about the world he is Officer in this case can be anyone from a parole officer, military, psychologist, human resources or security ectr. I'd suggest you take a quick look at starlances or my example character before you make any changes [/hider]