[center][h2]Edith[/h2][/center] [hr] [i]Seven days. Seven days and the Fallen have yet to track me down. I can't count on my luck lasting much longer...[/i] Edith thought to herself as she walked down the street. Edith had been awake all night, the threat of a Fallen member finding her making it impossible for her to bring herself to close her eyes. She might be able to power down for a bit if she found a crowded location maybe? No, the Fallen didn't care about killing civilians... Maybe resting near the First Guard headquarters would give her a safer place to sleep? They could possibly be enough of a deterrent for Edith to hunker down next to for a little while. Though if the First Guard got their hands on her it'd probably be just as bad as if the Fallen found her... Edith let out a sigh, put on her dirty hoodie and headed towards the centre of town. Sure the First Guard wasn't a perfect option it at least gave her a goal. It didn't take too long for Edith to run into a problem. A crowd. Edith had to force her way through the people, in an awkward mix of shoving and sidestepping. After breaking through the mob she noticed a figure ahead, judging from their getup the person was likely a cape. Perfect even more things to worry about. Edith picked up the pace, walking so fast she was almost jogging. Hopefully, Edith could just breeze past this guy and get on towards the First Guard headquarters.