[h2]Prince Erik Reighn - Dawn, Miricia[/h2] The last thing Erik expected was for Kuro to send anyone. Kuro was an isolationist nation, preferring to tend to the matters of their own borders rather than anything else. So when Gerwazy introduced himself, Kuro was admittedly shocked. "Best keep that information a secret. These ones do not take kindly to the laguz." He explained. [hr] The palace of Dawn was marvelous. Erik himself didn't appreciate architecture like his older brother, but even he knew it was quite a sight. Hallways filled with majestic statues and intricate designs. Bronze busts of heroes of old. Incredibly details paintings along the walls. It had it all. And the throne room was the most special room of all. A red carpet led its way from the last doors to the golden throne. Guards patrolled every exit of the throne room, alone with half a dozen of them beside the young king, Jacob III. "Hail, King Jacob!" Gregory called from beside Prince Erik. Erik knew he was supposed to be the one to greet the king, but he was distracted by the days events, and forgot. Erik wasn't always the best with nobility formalities. Beside him, he had the two laguz he had encountered, as well as Gerwazy from Kuro and Zachary. "Prince Erik," The King Jacob greeted with a small nod of his head. The young prince had seen better days. His skin was worn and sweaty. He was more pale than Erik remember. His general expressions seemed much more grim as well. "You and your... accomplices have some explaining to do." The King looked across the laguz with a hint of disgust on his face. It was as Erik feared. He was completely blaming laguz for his father's death. "Maybe you can explain your own actions, King Jacob," Erik answered as politely as he could must at that moment. "Laguz restriction laws? Monos elites? What's going on here?" "I do not have to explain my actions to a foreign prince, [i]sir[/i]" The King responded. "Monos is here to assist with the sub-human situation. What I want to know is what happened in the city. Or perhaps one of your companions may speak and enlighten us all?"