[color=39b54a]"Hey Mister Anderson would you mind talking with me about some first aid options we have at our disposal? I want to make sure we don't need to expend unnecessary mana."[/color] Leon asked Anderson who nodded in agreement, and told him that he'd have his back if he requested it. Leon smiled, and told Brynhildr they'd go looking for some clothes for her later so that she can go out in public without looking suspicious, or silly. Brynhildr thanked him for his consideration before he told her that she should go into spirit form in order to conserve his mana. Leon looked down at his wrist as she vanished into air. Anderson told the others that they'd see him soon enough, and that he'd make sure to see them on the plane before departing with Leon. Timeskip - 1 Day Later === After some stalling for supplies, and last minute prepartions the quick flight to Danzig was relatively short, and simple. It only took a few hours, and the heroes with their masters had little to no difficulty getting from one place to another. King's jet was quick, and fast no doubt due to his vast fortune that he had accumulated in Vegas he was able to buy things like this for convenience sake. After the trip the group was herded together for a quick convoy trip to the small city of Mavas where they found themselves in a bustling small town of relatively sparse industrialization. There were a few blocks of houses on the hilly area, and the main town itself seemed to be a relatively small to medium sized area full of some shopping centers but little else. The city wasn't ancient, or outdated by any means but it wasn't anything you'd find in New York with giant sky scrapers. The trip was quick as very few cars were on the road today, and the journey to the church found the Black Faction in a small corner of town isolated from the rest. A priest with grey hair, and a haggard face greeted those who left the car first. As Anderson got out he went up, and hugged the man greeting him with a smile. Leon, and Lancer who had spoken very little to each other the past day found themselves looking up around at the big blue sky. [color=a187be]"I must say flying sure was a nostalgic experience for me. To fly in such a large metal plane would never have occurred to me in the past. It brings back good, and sad memories alike."[/color] Lancer said as Leon nodded, and he then considered what would happen as he felt awkward he didn't speak Polish so he hoped the priest here didn't require it. Leon wondered what was ahead of them exactly they had failed to find the Forest. Monica had left the main group to go, and search the city she insisted she was fine on her own. As Leon turned to look at Lancer who looked quite a lot like a teacher now. Arguably the hottest teacher he had met in his life but then again it turned out she was a Valkyrie from legends past so he guess her appearance fit the bill of one of the viking's angels. But on a more serious note He wondered where the main enemies were. The priest walked over to the group, and opened his arms wide. [b]"My name is Father Howard. Welcome to the church young ones, and ancient heroes. I hope that the trip went well for all of you. I have prepared individual rooms in the basement for all of your needs as mages be it for rituals, or just for space. You may explore the main room, and the most of the bottom rooms at your discretion. However please respect that the upper area is for priests, and executors only. We're using it for storage space, and to keep documents safe if you are caught up there you will be held accountable for trespassing. Alternatively if you do not wish to be in the basement then you may leave this place and try to found your own lodging. There will be no defiling the alters, or any holy symbols here or I will request that you vacate the church. I'm aware some of you are pagans after all..."[/b] the man said as Anderson laughed as he assured the man that no matter what he'd make sure these people behaved themselves in a holy sanctum of the church. [hider=Brynhildr's casual clothes] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/2/20/Heroic_Spirit_Travel_Dress_-_Brynhild.png/revision/latest?cb=20180811234628[/img] [/hider]