So, I've been having ideas of a few new space races recently, mostly inspired by Stellaris. But whereeas I can live out my murder fantasies in that game, the more intricate matters simply escape the grasp of the game. So, here I am, writing it down for later usage. Name: The Kiendramaat Born on the continent sized coral reefs of their tiny charred homeworld the [i]Shaen Tik[/i], the Kiendramaat are a race of large humanoid amphibians who deeply despise their galactic neighbours. Their society has evovled over the past several thousands of years to be incredibly martial, yet they frown upon conflict and stay within the confines of their little segment of space and rarely interact with the other races of the galaxy. Their society is managed by a complex system of couriers that are tasked with delivering messages between the smaller entities of the Kiendramaat and relaying requests and offers. This is all in favor of their egalitarian society where every member of the race works towards the higher goal of terraforming their home planet or maintaining their ramshackle fleet and warding off intruders. [hr] Now that we have that out of the way, let's go further into depth for these xenophobic isolationists and why exactly they are the way they are. Perhaps the best way to explain that is by taking a glance at their history and work our way up from there once we understand how their star domain came to be. History: In the beginning, Shaen Tik was a beautiful world that would've been envied by any other race who would breathe the same nitrogen and carbon-dioxide rich atmosphere as they did. And chances are that they would've been welcomed by the locals, ancestors of the Kiendramaat who were simple people with simple goals. Inhabiting the single continent just south of their planet's equator and the many small atolls created by the violent volcanic nature of their planet, they lived off of hunting and gathering. For thousands of years, their society had made great strifes in communication and culture, and all but neglected technological advancements. Never particularly curious and always benevolent, the Kiendramaat lived in an extremely decentralized society where no individual held any power above the others, and more complex tasks were compelted with individuals working together in a anturall cohesive way. This way, even the dangerous predators of their home planet who resides in the marshy areas of their continent were hunted and tamed. Had it not been for a fateful day, the Kiendramaat would probably be a footnote of history, a race still living on their planet in peace until their sun burned out, perhaps never discovered in the chaos of the galactic nebula they inhabit. However, that destiny, was not to be. On the very first day of teh very first year of the Kiendermaat calendar, the heavens cracked with a holy lightning, and blaze filled the skies. Millions of their kin gazed upon the sky as the stars flickered and faded, as if the sky was going to fall on them. And indeed, it soon did. Hours after the first of the lights were observed by the people, a lightshow enveloped the sky. Hundreds of thousands of shooting stars blazed across the sky, drowning out the sun as they burnt up in the atmosphere. It took exactly an hour before those that didn't arrived. The locals stared into the sky as a deafening explosions shook the air and a fireball descended towards them. Then a dozen more followed as they raced towards the surface. Within the minutes the first one landed and the ground shook all over the planet. The water receeded before a series of tsunamis laid waste to the low lying beaches of the planet. In two hours, half of the population had been either completely wiped out, or were left to search for survivors amongst the ruins of what once were their primitive villages. As time passed, a series of other firbealls descended from the sky and the Kiendramaat all gathered inland. So far, not one ahd hit their continent, but the effects were still devastating. It was around nightfall that the fate of their people had been sealed. An explosion that brought day to the night lit up the sky a boom boom that travelled several times around the planet echoed as the people watched in fear while a gigantic object seemingly piereced the heavens and feel towards their planet. Minutes crawled by like seconds, and seconds came to a halt as the giant object finally collided several thousand miles off the western coast. Most of the Kiendramaat who saw this event from the high grounds of the continent didn't live to see the next hour. A tsunami sveral miles tall formed and a shockwave that flattened entire rainforests hit the continent. Hundreds of thousands died from it alone, while a second, even brighter explosion filled the the sky until it faded away into a cloud reaching so far out into the sky that it seemed to touch the stars themselves. The Kiendramaat who were still alive could only huddle close to each other as they took refugee wherever they could and waited for the waves to hit. Not an hour later, most of the low lying areas were flooded completely, and except the higher mountains the water had swept away everything. Hours later, the eart itself began to crack and gases erupted, the massive volcanic fault line along which the continent was formed began to open up again as the tectonic plates shifted violently. Volcanoes erupted where ebfore thwere were forests or grasslands, and the muntains exploded with a thunderous roar, sending rubble and ash high into the atmosphere. As the night went by, the ground shook constantly and as the water receeded it would travel thousands of miles off the beaches until it would come to a halt. Shaen Tik was no more as it used to be, and neither were the Kiendramaat. As the night rolled by and day came along, the survivors of this cataclysm crawled out of whatever hole they were hiding in, only to find what was once a lush landscape as far as they eye could see devastated. The forests still standing burned with an orange fever and smoke billowed from teh ground in every direction the eye could see. The sea was not to be seen, instead the giant object that fell now domianted the horizon as it's metallic frame stretched high into the sky, it's gargantuan size hidden by the thick black clouds that now covered the skies. Every Kiendramaat alive knew that their world as they remembered was gone and it would never be the same again. (WIP)