Seb was a bit more fidgety than usual as the last moments of the final class for the day came to a close. His arms and chest itched, lingering sensations from the mission a few days ago, and he looked forward to detention even less than usual, the atmosphere had been far from pleasant ever since. Even distracted by his own concerns, he nevertheless managed to jot down the last few notes on the board before the shrill ringing announced an end to the classes. He ignored several things through habit as he packed up his bag; how quickly the people around him darted away, the looks his “classmates” gave him, and the not-so-quiet whisperings. It was nothing new and without giving them a care in the world, Seb walked through the sliding doors to go spend the afternoon with the usual company. The doors slid open, though this time with the accompanying sounds of security devices deactivating, and into the plain detention room Seb walked. He waited for the door to click, clank, and whirl itself locked again before he approached the piece that hid the entrance to their group’s “base”. It was child’s play for him to shift the clock aside and access the panel behind it. Stepping down the flight of stairs, he was quickly blanketed in darkness as the entrance closed behind him; leaving him with only the faint sounds that drifted up from below, and those of his own making. By the time he got down and actually into the basement, he could already see the mood wasn’t great. Naomi seemed irritated at Farah for one reason or another, and Euan was being… well, Euan. Maybe it was a side-effect from his power, but the other detentionee seemed always hotheaded, especially if the little stunt he had pulled a few days ago was anything to go by. Pinching his forehead as the thought made his head hurt ever so slightly, Seb just sighed to himself and wandered off. The basement was certainly big enough to lose himself in, and hopefully then he wouldn’t get dragged into whatever shit storm was in the midst of being brewed.