[center][hider=Professor Ollivander ‘Doc’ Clarke] [hr] [img]https://imgur.com/lXXJMtt.jpg[/img][hr][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjRmNGY0Zi5VSEp2Wm1WemMyOXlJRTlzYVhaaGJtUmxjaUJEYkdGeWEyVSwuMAAAAAAA/bill-smith.regular.png[/img] [color=Gray][b]Birthday[/b][/color] [b]April 16th, 1952[/b] [color=Gray][b]Age[/b][/color] [b]67[/b] [color=Gray][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Old and wise, with a kind smile that could melt anyone’s heart. Wears a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51buO-fUF1L.jpg]three piece suit[/url], [url=https://www.readers.com/tn_images--D--Lynwood-Angle-Grey---jpg_w920.jpg]half moon spectacles[/url] and wears a [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/18029301/r/il/818721/1552312680/il_570xN.1552312680_nait.jpg]silver pocket watch[/url] in his vest that he checks and maintains regularly. Walks around with an old, [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/SEEAAOSwfhdc8oEj/s-l225.jpg]ornate cane[/url] more for appearances than to combat any physical ailment. Definitely more English than you at least. [color=Gray][b]Neighborhood[/b][/color] At his parent's old manor in the Outskirts, one of the older buildings in the area, yet still a rather accommodating [url=http://inn.spb.ru/images/600/DSC100646621.png]estate[/url] [color=Gray][b]School[/b][/color] Not necessarily a formal student, but a constant learner for life [color=Gray][b]Occupation[/b][/color] History Professor at Moore University [color=Gray][b]Personality[/b][/color] A kindly old man who’s willing to give a listening ear and offer advice to those who will listen and more importantly, heed it. Olivander’s family has been known around Emerald City for a long time, and for that reason alone the older generation has a high amount of respect for the elderly gentleman and his heritage. He is considered one with a prominent amount of wealth, despite his modest living in his family’s estate and both a receiver and giver of knowledge. If there is one person to ask for advice, it is Olivander, for he will give the unadulterated truth and at the same time, a sense of hope and understanding. [color=Gray][b][h3]Short Bio ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/h3][/b][/color][h3][color=Gray]”I think I was a small child when I fell in love with history and lore, listening to tales of gods and men from my father and his father before him…[/color][/h3] [hr] Ollivander had known Emerald City for most of his life, his grandparents had immigrated to the country in the late 1800s and settled in the city to start a new life. His parents had met each other in the city, his father an English gentleman and photographer, his mother an out of the ordinary businesswoman. The two fell in love and gave birth to Ollivander himself, who grew up around the stories told by both his parents and grandparents, both historical and fantastical. Growing up with these legends and lores, Ollivander pursued a life of the historical, detailing every fact he could, making mental notes and writings wherever he could. When he had come of age and graduated the local high school, Ollivander set out to the city and continued to engage his dream of learning history and myth. He excelled so well at his studies, that after earning his Master’s Degree, he was offered a position at Yale to teach the students what he knew, and he could barely pass up the offer. He certainly kept in touch with his family, while engaging his students for the next two and a half decades. When his mother fell ill however, he knew it was time to return home on leave to take care of her. As her health failed though, he stayed longer and realized how much he had missed the sanctity and quiet of that small Oregon town. He resigned his position from Yale and instead took a job as the history teacher of the high school, caring for his parents who passed in the coming years. He fought through it and continued to teach, inheriting their estate and all within it, never having found a wife, he would be the last of his family line. He has no desire to continue the family line however, only a desire to pass on the knowledge he has received over a lifetime. When the opportunity came over four years ago to take on the job as history professor at the newly found university though, he couldn’t pass it up. He knew it was more of a political ploy though, ‘The boy who left town only to come back’, it was a way to convince the students to stay in a newly thriving town. However that is not the goal, the only objective is knowledge, a job that only Ollivander knows how to pass down.[/hider] [hider=NPCs in Ollivander's Life] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjdlNTUzMC5SSEl1SUV4aGRYSmhJRUZ1WjJWc2IzVSwuMAAA/kitsch.rial-extrabold-italic.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmU1ODBjZS5ZUzVyTG1FdUlDZEJibWRsYkNjLC4w/charlotte.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OGCyn73.jpg[/img] Angel came into the Professors life a few years ago, prior to his employment at the University, rather quite literally. Most would consider a feral cat, a scar over it's eye to be a rather dangerous thing, and yet this creature had a rather intuitive soul in it's eye, as though it were on a similar mental wavelength to Ollivander. In that spirit, the two bonded naturally and any students who came by instantly recognized the carefree tabby and it's calm nature. In a way Ollivander didn't adopt Angel, but rather she adopted him. (Angel regularly comes and goes as she pleases, though she may come off at first appearance as grumpy, she's a rather gentle soul and Ollivander keeps a food and water bowl regularly filled outside of his estate.)[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][hider=Kiyoshi Itsugaya] [hr] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/39439864/large.jpg[/img][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190908/b1b56fbe25a2db31cd4f7ee045cdc2a5.png[/img] [color=ff4500][b]Birthday[/b][/color] [b][s]XX/XX/XXXX[/s][/b] [color=ff4500]“...Don’t worry about it”[/color] [color=ff4500][b]Age[/b][/color] [b]21….ish[/b] [color=ff4500][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Kiyoshi’s style is rather casual, his most notable attire being zip-up jackets or hoodies of various graffiti patterns, in blues, greys and orange. He’s usually seen wearing athletic shorts, even in the colder months and some kind of tennis shoes (Doc Martens if he’s feeling extra fancy). Out of his entire wardrobe though, he’s never seen without his headphones, always wearing them either over his ears, or around his neck with quiet beats playing out, regardless if he’s at work or school. [color=ff4500][b]Neighborhood[/b][/color] Lives with his Aunt in one of the older Suburban homes near the edge of the outskirts, though doesn’t particularly like it as much with all the new housing developments around it. [hider=Room Reference][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/1e/7b/e01e7b0e3859336734f1761f505de12d.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=ff4500][b]School[/b][/color] Moore University...you know enough already [color=ff4500][b]Occupation[/b][/color] A Jack of All Trades, Kiyo doesn’t exactly have an occupation in Emerald City, any finances he’s acquired is usually from his parents, though it's nothing he flaunts around and most of it goes into a trust fund for his future. Kiyo has instead opted to do the odd job here and there, such as helping his Aunt out with errands for a small allowance, delivering produce from Oakley Farms to the market, or tending to the gardens in the florist shop. Everything is done under the table and the only payment is the odd favor or two and the occasional dollars to donuts. If there’s one stable gig he has, its playing small shows at the Diamond in the Rough. At the end of the day, the work he does is more out of necessity for his own mental health, rather than a need for financial sustenance. [color=ff4500][b]Personality[/b][/color] On the outside Kiyoshi appears to be calm and collected, a thoughtful individual, and a face of consistent neutrality that has a hint of sadness behind it. He’s usually seen listening to his environment, eyes closed as he concentrates on the next sound to grace his ears. On the inside though, he’s silently judging you. To him the tone of a person’s voice is as similar to the key of an instrument played. In other words he can tell when a song is about something happy or if a random stranger is giving him a load of B***S***. It’s not unlike for Kiyoshi to call someone out when they’re being hesitant or sneaky, though most of the time he doesn’t really care that they are, he’s simply doing it for the entertainment value. If he knows someone long enough, he can usually tell their quirks almost immediately, but depending on his opinion of them he may or may not ‘poke the bear’ so to speak. Despite his rather neutral negativity to most situations, there’s a deepness to the young man that can speak volumes, of a pain birthed not too long ago. If he didn’t have such a good poker face and didn’t have to speak from an electronic device, someone could potentially call him out on his own B***S*** sometimes. [color=ff4500][b][h3]Short Bio ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/h3][/b][/color][h3][color=ff4500]“Music has always been a part of my life… It’s the voice I never had to begin with…[/color][/h3] [hr] Originating from Japan, Kiyoshi was born into a family of naturally talented and proficient musicians. His own parents being a famous dynamic singing couple in their own band, Night Circular Infinity. When Kiyo was born, they decided to take a small hiatus to raise their only son. It was when the fans cried out in desperation for their tour to continue, that they took their toddler son on the road with them. City after city, country after country in the tour bus, a small veritable family of secondary relatives, teaching him how to play and sing...only he couldn’t do the latter. Turns out that he was born mute to a couple of singer parents...the irony was not lost on him. Despite enjoying his time on the tour, and his family never once questioning his disability, he never felt he truly belonged. His parents seemed to have picked up on this however and decided to send him to America to live with his Aunt and Uncle, to give him at least a somewhat normal childhood, away from the bustle of the touring lifestyle. Though odd at first, the quiet of Emerald City seemed to help the child unfurl and relax a little, spending a great deal of time learning from his Uncle how to play the guitar, Kiyoshi’s undoubtable ‘first love’. For the first time, Kiyoshi felt like he had a family he could truly relate to and be at ease with. He spent his days playing music and his nights, silently strumming to the glittering stars and the sounds of chirping crickets. What was happiness and bliss was followed by tragedy, as his Uncle was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and though he fought valiantly, perished nearly six years ago to the disease. Devastation was an understatement in the years to follow. Kiyo ended up inheriting his Uncle’s guitar, and though he continued to play it with all the happiness he knew from music, there were sad undertones that only the trained ear could hear. With him suddenly becoming ‘Man of the House’ he started taking on work and gigs to support his grieving Aunt, and together as a family they’ve continued to support one another. The sudden influx of new residents, however, was just another reminder that tragedy is like a row of dominos, as the quiet he had grown so accustomed to was slowly losing itself in the din of the crowd. [/hider] [hider=NPCs in Kiyoshi’s Life] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190908/7584712439f582b30ef9e1fdd7b42ece.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mHKeZHb.png?1[/img] Eleanor is Kiyoshi’s Aunt and the reason why the late Akira Itsugaya decided to leave behind his home in Japan and stay in the states. He once referred to her as a black lotus in a field of sunflowers; a dark and mysterious thing with just as bright and shining a soul as those around her. She is a mild mannered and temperate woman, and though her husband is gone she carries on the best she can and lives life as though he wasn’t gone to begin with.[/hider][/center]