[center][h2]Nightwolf[/h2] Midtown[/center] [hr] Morris was checking out the local game store to see if they had the latest Ultra Nikolai Brothers game. He was a big fan of the game series and had collected most of the games except two of the more rare ones. After asking one of the employees if the game had been released yet, Morris was told that the shipment got delayed and wouldn't be in stock for another three days. Disappointed at the news, he walked out of the store and headed down the street with his hands in his pockets. After walking for nearly a whole block his attention was drawn to a T.V. screen in the window of a electronics store. People were gathered around and Morris went closure to get a look at what all the fuss was about. He watched as the screen was giving a breaking news story and showed the images of a local lab catching on fire. The headline mentioned the location of the lab and Morris realized that it was not very far from his location. "It looks like they could use help of Nightwolf" he said to himself as he quickly moved away from the crowd and found a an alleyway to hurry down. Once he was sure that he was out of sight Morris clinched his fists and growled as he began to transform. Every bone and muscle in his body ached as he felt it change and become more bestial. He grew dark gray fur and his mouth elongated into a canine snout with large fangs and his fingernails became long sharp claws. Once the transformation was finished, Morris leapt up onto the wall and in an instant scaled the building and once on the roof he surveyed his surroundings. Morris' sensitive nose picked up on the smell of burning wood and smoke and began to leap from rooftop to rooftop in the direction of the lab. It didn't take him long to get the crime scene and once there he decided to try and rescue the people inside from the flames. It wasn't something his feral side wanted to do, but through strength of will Morris was able to win out and quickly smashed his way through one of the windows to get inside the burning building. It was super hot inside, but he wasn't going to let a little detail like that stop him from doing some rescuing and quickly made his way to a room with several scientists all huddled into one corner. A few of them screamed loudly at the sight of him and Morris raised his paws to show them that they didn't have to worry about him and made motions with his big arms telling them that he was here to help them get out of the building to safety. It took a couple of moments until they started following him and this made Morris annoyed. [i]"They always scream and cower"[/i] he thought to himself as he looked for a safe way out of the lab.