Kyra stopped by the kobold, taking off it's dagger to slice it's throat. While Brannor's blade no doubt killed it, Kyra was not going to risk it. These creatures are conniving. As her breath steadied she followed the others back to the previous room. She had sustained no injuries, fortunately, but everyone seemed fairly dented up. Gathering her dagger and arrows Kyra called everyone to gather together. [color=pink]"I wish we could take another chance to rest, but this place isn't safe. We've made too much noise, they may send someone to check. So let us take the initiative and strike first. Now come here, allow me to mend our wounds."[/color] Once they came together Kyra channeled divinity to heal everyone, though it was only enough to help close their wounds and deal with some aches and pains. It wasn't much, but at least it didn't use up what little spells she had left. [color=pink]"Gather your resolve and keep your eyes peeled. There could be another trap ahead or an ambush."[/color] Kyra says as she tighten the string to her longbow and pulled out an arrow. They had to clear this in one go, or else the survivors might flee with any evidence of what they were doing, or worse get reinforcements. There's no telling what they'll run into next so Kyra crept close to the next entrance, listening carefully for any signs of more kobolds or other humanoids. [hider=Info] HP: 24/24 1st lvl Spells 2/3 Kyra uses her Channel Divinity: Preserve Life to heal up to 10 HP. Parum will heal 2 HP. Orchid heals 3 HP. Torus heals 5 HP Kyra checks for any signs and tracks for humanoid enemies that might be up ahead. Their numbers, if they're human or kobold, if they came through recently or not, etc. Survival = [url=]18[/url]/[url=]24[/url] [/hider]