Marina watched with a sigh as her father danced, or at least, did vague, random movements that she believed was supposed to be a dance. She considered to drag him back, but she figured, why not let him have his fun? Feasts like these certainly didn't come often after all. She diverted her attention back to the food, and took another large piece of lamb leg. She then took a hefty bite out of it, not bothering in the slightest with forks or knives and the like. They didn't even provide them on that table, probably knowing that most peasants wouldn't use cutlery like the upper classes, especially when the food was something easily grabbable like a lamb leg. She also took a sip of her beer mug. Just a sip though. She didn't want to get drunk. She didn't notice the glances the new Earl was giving to her in the slightest. And then, suddenly, her father came up to her, dragging her to meet the new Lord. "W-what, what are you talking about, Father?" she said to him all confused and bewildered. "Oh no I shouldn't have let you drank that much. Alright, come now, Father, we should get you back home at once." Unfortunately for her, even in his old age, her father's grasp was still firm; his pull being strong as well. She couldn't free her hand that easily, let alone reverse the situation and be the one to drag him out of the feasting fields to go back home. "F-Father!" she shouted as she continued struggling to free herself. Now that she was this close to him, she could clearly smell his drunken breath and see his red face. He really had too much to drink. "Come now, my Love, just for a little while!" he insisted. He normally wouldn't be this brazen with his beloved daughter, but thanks to his drunkenness, he couldn't really think straight at the moment. "Alright, fine, fine, I'll go meet him!" Marina surrendered. Just like herself, her father could be surprisingly stubborn at times. "But just for a simple greeting, nothing more. And that is if his guards would appreciate us just barging in like desperate nobles who wanted to gain favor with him." Bill relaxed his grip on her arm. Marina then used her other free arm to fix her hair and dust her dress a little. She wanted to be presentable, even as a mere peasant, when meeting such an important personage. Bill then guided her to where the Earl was currently standing. Once they were close, he announced her proudly, not caring in the slightest on what a social faux pass he was committing. After all, other drunken villagers had come up to the Earl and praised him for the feast after all, and they weren't punished for it. "My liege! Behold! My beautiful daughter Marina!" He then pulled her forward, nearly making her trip in the process. Marina quickly did a curtsy as she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lord. And thank you for the feast." It was all formality, and her tone was absolutely neutral. She couldn't do what other girls might do and act all happy or even flirtatious to the Earl.