[color=silver][indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ShFW0bH.png[/img] [color=c9d77c][h3]D Y N A M O[/h3] [b]∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗[/b][/color] [color=e9efcb][sub]9̴ ̶ ̷ ̸d̶ ̷i̷ ̸g̷ ̸i̸ ̸t̷ ̸s̸ c o n f i r m e d . . .[/sub][/color][sub][hr][/sub][/center] An odd chime sounded in the headphones around his ears, music automatically dulling to make the voice more comprehensible. [color=e9efcb][i]"Finally! Koms to Dynamo, ping on Pariah... Coords sent. Received?"[/i][/color] Roman sighed, tapping the treadmill a few times until it powered down. On the one hand... no. Just no. Frankly he didn't care what the Underground was up to, they were perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and staying out of Chimera's way. On the other hand, Chimera wanted contacts, information, they wanted to know who was involved, what they could do, and if they could use each other to further both of their goals, assuming the Underground's mission statement was accurate. Roman had other priorities. [color=c9d77c]"Received."[/color] He acknowledged, checking his smart watch for the coordinates. The device was highly unusual, being mostly bare metal with no display screens or aesthetic design. [color=c9d77c]"So what's Peru up to today?"[/color] He asked idly, wondering if this would be another rumor trail that lead nowhere. [color=e9efcb][i]"Chem raid underway. Police pursuit in progress.[/i][/color] Roman raised an eyebrow, grabbing his bag and looping it over his shoulder. So not some obscure web whispers, but actual confirmed activity. Best get a move on then. [color=c9d77c]"I'll be there soon."[/color] He waved goodbye to the gym's desk assistant as he passed out of the doors. It only took him a second to turn into an underused alley and vanish into the power grid, riding the surges of intense high voltage energy and reappearing on a roof top seconds later several blocks over. Navigating the power grid was difficult to do with any accuracy, but it was extremely quick and he usually managed to land himself in the right district at least. Midtown was a boring place, but, what with it being [i]Mid[/i]town, everything and everyone passed through there at some point. From here you could get anywhere else in the city with ease, meaning if he wanted to find these people, he had to get eyes on them before they got too far away. [color=e9efcb][i]"New coords incoming,"[/i][/color] the operator spoke again eagerly. Roman didn't recognize the voice, but they sounded young and spoke with the familiarity of experience manning the chair. [color=e9efcb][i]That arcade on the west side, they're heading for Uptown!"[/i][/color] He didn't bother responding, instead jumping into a nearby surface network and trying to find a path quickly to the arcade. It wasn't too hard, mostly he flashed into the side of one building, usually through an outdoor light, and then out the other side and repeating the process for the next building, never fully flesh for more than a few seconds. It disorienting flashing between a physical and electrical state of being, but he only needed to move straight until- bingo. Suddenly he saw the familiar street the arcade was on, and he shot up the internal power cables of a nearby building and reappeared on it's roof. He jumped, in physical form this time, straddling the line between leaping and flying for a few seconds as he made his way subtly over a few more rooftops. Then he was peering over a ledge and smirking as his targets came into sight. Now he just had to keep them there until he figured out where they were going. [color=c9d77c]"Eyes on,"[/color] he whispered simply, [color=c9d77c]"Dynamo out."[/color] He removed his earbuds for the first time since entering the gym earlier that morning. Only taking a few seconds to take stock of the nearby electronics, Roman prepared himself to give chase when he noticed someone else in their path; a tense young man who'd stepped out of the arcade, eyes focusing in on the Undergrounders. Great, and he'd been looking forward to an easy tracking mission too. If he had to give himself away to bail the duo out, he would, mostly because he hoped it would make them grateful enough to feed him enough information to satisfy those geeks in his ears. Then again... if they were caught he could probably bust them out, earn their trust that way... He narrowed his eyes and sunk back further from the edge, keeping sharp eyes trained on the situation but jaw clenched from indecision. What to do, what to do...[/indent][/indent][/color]