Lorie observed, disappointed, as a trainer cried out and reunited with his Umbreon. Glancing at the woman by her side, Lorie nodded at her comment. So, this was indeed an unusual Umbreon. Sighing, Lorie abandoned the idea of trying to catch a rare pokemon like that - if it already had an owner, it wouldn't probably work. [color=#bd0087]"That dude should take better care of his pokemon,"[/color] Lorie deadpanned with a frown, looking at her feet as Sneasel rushed back to them. She wasn't trying to be exactly quiet, so the boy could've even heard her. She didn't care. "Snee," it sighed, scratching its head with its clawed hand. The woman next to Lorie apologised for the inconvinience and offered to help Lorie with anything concerning the island. Looking at the woman from under her purple fringe, Lorie nodded, mute. A native could be pretty useful right now. Lorie knew next to nothing about this place, so striking up a friendly conversation with this woman could prove to be fruitful. [color=#bd0087]"I never got your name,"[/color] Lorie answered. Not that she cared or anything, but having a name to call this woman would be somewhat useful. Besides, that was a friendly starter, right? Being social was so... odd. [color=#bd0087]"What's there to... you know, actually to do in this place?"[/color] the purple haired trainer continued as Sneasel scratched behind its long ear and groomed itself like a cat.