[@Letmehaveone2] CS Name:zero McGriffen Nickname: magic chef god Age: 300 Gender:male Powers/skills: magic cooking, cooking, human form, monster form, dragon magic Species: dragon Role(teacher, student or staff): teacher Class you teach(teachers only): culinary arts If staff, what are you?: Crush:none Relationship: adopted father of Roy and Aurora Personality: kind History(optional): found Roy and Aurora in a burned down house after a red dragon attack decided to take them in and raise them. After a long time became a person known as the magic chef god Likes/dislikes: likes to see people reach there full potential; dislikes the word can't Other: Appearance(s): he has golden hair and red eyes.mocha skin tone where's a letter jacket with lether pants Schedule: Homeroom 1_ 2_ 3_ Lunch, 4_ Dorm #: 10