Smith was creeping along, in the opposite direction from the skittering and dead body form earlier. While she dreaded to go this direction because of the disappearance of Squad one, the unknown was better than the… don't wanna know; better to try other directions before she… well… had to kill a something. "The air quality has improved, Sentient Smith," AI stated. She gritted her teeth a bit and smelled the air… couldn't tell the difference. AI must be monitoring something with a sensor she had no idea or control over. "I take it it isn't coming from behind us then," she replied in a whisper. "Negative," AI was helpful at times like these and the eyes. But… otherwise, probably not the best. Her mental gaze flickered to the battery life. Down to 99%; she could all but feel it going down. Maybe that was simply imagination. As if she didn't have enough to worry about right now. There was a door ahead… and a small err… Gash in the side of the ship. Sunlight filtered through the large crack, but since there was obviously air in the corridor, that mean that they weren't in space… or they had those fancy shields like in Star Wars. "AI, could we be on the planet? Or do we have technology that keeps in air with holes in ships?" "Colony Ship Eden was not created for planet side landing. No such technology exists in my database." "Which means… we crashed, your corrupted database is missing some data, or something worse, great."