A belch escaped one of the uniformed men a few tables away. The white haired man frowned in his direction, momentarily distracted from his companion's prattling. Both were dressed casually, though the talking one was clearly less comfortable, constantly adjusting himself as he talked to settled the blue button up right on his body. The low brimmed cap was tugged down to hide his dark green hair and sea blue eyes. The white haired man, by comparison, were a plain black t-shirt beneath a white jacket, matched with loose fitted black pants. His light blue eyes stayed on the Marine he had heard, his annoyance barely contained. "...sir? Uh...sir!" His companion was quick to draw him back. "Were you listen? What is our plan, sir?" The other man shook his head. "First of all, we've been over this, Lee," he said with a small sigh. "Not sir. I'm not your superior here. We're equals. Mitsuki is fine. We need to stay quiet." He glanced back to the Marines sitting at the table. The one who had drawn his ire earlier was now harassing one of the tavern wenches, unconcerned with the annoyed looks he would receive. Not that he received many. Most of the people here were too afraid to do more than avert their gaze. "First step, we observe. I'll have you check around town. Once I'm satisfied, I'll meet with the Captain here, but not before. I want a clear idea of how these people operate." Lee's eyes followed Mitsuki's gaze, finding the group just as the Marine reached over to grab the woman's behind. This was met with a roar of laughter from his compatriots, but only earned a low, almost inaudible growl from Mitsuki. "Sir...you won't do anything we'll regret, will you?" Mitsuki rolled his eyes. "Mitsuki," he reiterated. "And no. Now, off with you. We have work to do." Lee let out a soft sigh, but nodded, obeying his commander as he slowly got up from his seat to leave.