[@soren] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/squirk-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190411/ae6dc418bd6ab4a0cf6d0213c4349081.png[/img][/url][/center] Bringing his hand up to clasp his chin, Kouta thinks upon the new arrivals plan for getting fishnets. It certainly would give them a likely higher chance to capture said bird. If it was like the birds he knew, it’s likely going to be rather agile and hard to catch by hand alone. But… [color=DEB887]“While I see the positives of getting said net, I’m not sure if we have the time to send some back for some,”[/color] Kouta shakes his head and frowns a little,[color=DEB887] “I worry about said group running into one of Catamount’s patrols. We just started this guild and… I don’t want to put anyone here at risk before we are ready.”[/color] Kouta can’t help but look between the members here, his right fist at his side tightening at such a thought.