[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569095158411296769/578883592684437515/daizodone.png[/img] Location: Quirk Demonstration site | Mentions: Everyone within 5 feet[/center] Standing amidst the crowd of other students, smiling but with anxiety threatening to pop his heart in his chest, Daizo was trying to calm his frayed nerves by singing a song in his head and watch the demonstrations. The plan was not a huge success as his foot began to tap with increasing speed to match his mounting anxiety, knowing he would have to go up there and stand around like a clown while the other kids saw the absolute nothingness he brought to the table here. Lots of them had interesting powers, quirks as they were called, but his lacked any kind of flare or interesting traits. [color=662d91][i]Think. Think think think! How do you demonstrate something that doesn't exist physically? Think! STUBBS, HELP ME![/i][/color] Glancing down at the Cactus he had lovingly been referring to as 'Stubbs' for many years, no answer came to mind. No solution to the predicament he was in. No excuse so he could run away. There was only the here and now.. A shove from behind, what felt like one but could have been nothing, broke his concentration. The arena was clear and it was his turn! (Or so he thought) [color=662d91][i]Just say something! ANYTHING![/i][/color] The little voice in his mind was screaming now. It came not with a whisper, but a shout. [color=662d91]"A FOOL THINKS HIMSELF A WISE MAN, TO THIS THE WISE MAN KNOWS BEYOND DOUBT THEY ARE A FOOL!"[/color] At the top of his lungs, stuck in a crowd of other students, Daizos disastrous quoting of a poetic verse he had taken from his leather bound book had triggered his Quirk 'Oblivion' on every student and maybe a few of the teachers. His own anxiety faded to nothingness against the wave of sheer buzzkill his quirk had emitted. Self doubt, shame, apathy, your mind rebelled against your own good nature and forced you to down the dark spiral of depression in an unrelenting wave of invisible force. Holding Stubbs to his chest, Daizo desperately wanted to sink into the ground and fade away into the nothingness holding his soul. Unlike others that had protection from their Quirk, like the fire quirk people, there was no saving himself from the darkness. [color=662d91]"Chujiro Daizo.. quirk.. depression.."[/color] Was all he managed to mumble as reality simply became too heavy. Slumping to his knees and laying face down on the pavement, Stubbs laying nearby, Daizo waited for death to take him. It seemed only fitting..