Quiet. It wasn't something Edward was used to. Noise had followed him wherever he had gone since he'd been a boy. But not here. Here the silence was eerie, almost oppressive. Or maybe that was just his ears still ringing from the final detonation. No, on second thought it was definitely just utterly soundless in here. And for that matter there was no color in the walls or ceiling either. "Hello?" he called as he sat up from the floor where he lay. His voice echoed as though he were in an empty concert hall, but no reply came. Was this the afterlife, then? He certainly died, there was no getting around that, he thought as he rose to his feet. As he looked around, he realized why his voice had echoed so- the room [i]was[/i] and empty concert hall, the one he'd performed in on many occasions. But it wasn't quite the same, and it wasn't just the paintjob that told him that. "What's going on here?" he asked to nobody. To his surprise, a knock from one of the backstage doors answered him. Out of shock he whirled around and, on pure instinct made to call Lucy to his hands- and to his further surprise she came, appearing out of thin air. But something wasn't quite right. He could feel no power within her, felt that he would not be able to use her to wield the sound, at least not yet. Still, his guitar's presence in his hands was a comfort, and he began to slowly stride toward the door. Which, he only noticed as he got closer, had a knob instead of its typical pushbar. "Something is definitely weird here," Edward said warily, "And damn if I'm not going to find out what!" he declared as he grabbed the knob and flung wide the door...!