Hi! I hope you're still accepting characters. I'd love to try my hand at a wood elf concept I've been playing around with for a while, in preparation to RP on ESO. [hider=Andrina Lungwort] [b]Name:[/b] Andrina Lungwort [b]Race:[/b] Bosmer [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Adult [b] Appearance: [/b]Standing at 5’3, Andrina has a sunny complexion and a very flat figure. Her little packs of muscle are usually covered up by her fur, leather and chainmail armour which is durable yet heavily used. She wears a leather helmet with a face-mask decorated with emblazoned marks to resemble war paint. Her face is sharp and angular, her blonde hair usually gathered into little pigtails or twin buns on either side of her face. Her eyes are jet black and liquidy in the sunlight. A singular vertical black stripe has been inked into her bottom lip alone. Sometimes she’ll go barefoot, but often wears slippers. [b]Personality: [/b]It is immediately apparent that Andrina is somewhat addled; despite her age, she is quite simpleminded and endlessly fascinated with new things regardless of how mundane they might be. Underneath this surface layer of stupidity is a complex and sophisticated woman trying to worm her way to the surface. She shows understanding of more abstract concepts, follows her people’s beliefs such as the meat mandate and the green pact with absolute devotion, and adheres to her own moral code with a staunch stubbornness that hinders her efficiency. She clearly has her own opinions on politics and philosophy even if she no longer has the vocabulary to express them, and her intricate knowledge on illusion magic is objective proof of her intellect. She listens well, she takes to learning like a duck to water and strives for some higher purpose known only to her in fleeting impulses, following watery remnants of her oldest desires and memories in a sisyphean effort to break the curse she doesn’t even know she has. But a lot of these complexities only show themselves under careful observation. The unfortunate truth is that, for the most part, Andrina is a naive and foolish creature. It is as if she has the mind of a child again; she enjoys exploring, her attention span is much shorter than a typical adult, she is highly superstitious, she plays with toys. She is uncomfortable in large cities and busy places, easy to frighten, a slave to her own impetuous moods and - worst of all - plagued with her insomnia which weakens her both physically, psychologically and emotionally. She seems self-aware, to some extent, of her embarrassing behaviour yet struggles to overcome it. She flourishes in the company of close friends; those who are willing to help her with whatever strange quest she embarked upon all those years ago are met with a dogged loyalty and affection that you’d only really find in beloved family pets. When left on her own she devolves into her usual abysmal state - lost, highly confused, frequently distracted and guarded around strangers. [b]Class:[/b] Haunted Huntress [b]Major Skills: [/b]Illusion, Marksman, Sneak [b]Minor Skills: [/b]Acrobatics, Athletics, Blade, Armourer [b]Equipment: [/b]A bone-and-sinew repair kit, complete with a variety of leather scraps, buckles and buttons for armour repair. A set of fur, leather and chainmail armour, complete with a leather helmet with a vizard. A hammock and a shortsword. [b]History: [/b] Andrina lived quite peacefully in the Valenwood, following Y’ffre’s word and song from as early as her childhood. Like many bosmer she was given the bow as soon as she could use it and her marksmanship skills grew alongside her. Her parents were transient and nomadic in nature and wandered the thickest swathes of woodland with a small travelling party until they had found a place to call home. The Greenspeakers within their little group prayed to the Graht-oaks for shelter and, with their blessing, Andrina’s little tribe were given some simple dwellings to stay in. This moving settlement was known as Tripmarn, and it might have become a thriving trading outpost if the seeds of madness had not been sown in its creation. Hidden amongst the good intentions of the fishermen, trappers and weavers of Andrina’s tribe was a mage; a wisened scholar called Thoras, one who was looked up to in the community but largely left to his own devices. His magic was difficult to comprehend and, aside from getting the impression that he felt a bit lonely amongst his simpler hunting folk, the tribe never heard any complaint from him. At this point in time he plays an infinitesimal role in Andrina’s story. Rambunctious and boisetrous in her youth, Andrina was more interested in climbing the trees and playing tricks on her many aunts, uncles and cousins instead of starting to consider a career and - gods forbid - a husband. She was irresponsible and frequently attracted to the hunt. She resented their settlement and preferred the gritty vagabond life of her childhood; desperate to recreate that, she often left the sanctuary of Tripmarn on her own expeditions to catch trophy prizes and assert her dominance amongst her competitors. With time and patience, her fiery streak gave way to many injuries that gradually chipped at her immaturity and made those simpler crafts seem much more important. One day she returned to Tripmarn for the last time; she settled there for a decade or two, not knowing that when she would next leave she would never return. Whilst at home she learnt from her grandparents. They taught her how to work leather and sinew, carve bone with rock and metal, use the hammer and nail to protect herself instead of the bow and shortsword that she had grown so comfortable with. Andrina found that busy hands kept her temper in check and became an armourer for her tribe. She enjoyed decorating her finished pieces the most but respected the importance of durable and sustainable craftsmanship. She made paltry trinkets and charms to adorn weaponry and armour and gave them out as favours, especially to young Irkath - the village’s best huntsman who had a penchant for loitering around Andrina’s hovel in the mornings, eager to boast of his feats to her. Had Thoras made a better effort to give up his books and look around Tripmarn to see the community that had established during his studies, maybe Andrina would have married Irkath and taken off into the Valenwood with him to hunt large game and bear many children. That didn’t happen. Thoras was lonely, and there were creatures in Oblivion that knew how to toy with lonely men. Vaermina, Lady of nightmares and dreams, became his idol. He worshipped the daedric prince in secret as whispers corrupted his mind and his spellcraft. And when the time was right and his madness had reached a critical point, he unleashed it upon all those who lived in the boughs of Tripmarn. The entire village was plunged into a new reality - sleeplessness or nightmares. It blossomed into irritation, then paranoia, and full out madness. Brother turned against brother; deceit and chaos reigned in the little village as man ate men felled by their own blade. In one final act of devastation, Tripmarn was set ablaze and the survivors were cast out of the Valenwood; those who pledged loyalty to Thoras were executed on the spot. Andrina was one of those survivors, even if she was no longer aware of it. With only a handful of ‘victors’ from the daedric game, Vaermina rewarded Andrina and a handful of the remaining Bosmer with bliss; she cursed them each into a state of dream-like confusion, lifting the memories of Tripmarn and its people from their minds and letting them wander Tamriel in peace. Andrina joined and left a handful of wandering folk, from caravans to bandits, since her exile from Valenwood. She plunged into the new sights and sounds of Cyrodiil with glee and met many new people in her travels, but the truth gnawed away at some locked-up part of her psyche. Unbeknownst to Andrina, she started trying to rid herself of the spell placed upon her mind. But with such insurmountable odds to face - a tattered mess of memories that often slipped from her grasp, an attention span more suitable for beasts than men, and a thrall to her own emotions once more - it has not been easy for the young wood elf. She is no closer to achieving her goal than she was when she started it aside from reigniting her sleep maintenance insomnia and chronic nightmares, to a far lesser degree than Thoras’ magic had made them. She, like many others who were disturbed in her sleep, had visited Quagmire and became one of Vaermina’s thousands of curiosities. Amused at Andrina’s fruitless pursuit of madness, she started to nudge the wood elf towards illusion magic. It has become Andrina’s newest and most potent weapon in these unfamiliar lands. Stumbling into and around the plains of Cyrodiil, Andrina has caught the whiff of mercenary work on the breeze. Presuming them to be particularly bloody adventurers who travelled the world in search of coin and fortune, she started to follow them; she witnessed their deeds from the sidelines, became a bit enamoured with the rugged yet mysterious Quintus Jannus but mainly fell in love with the idea of roaming the countryside amongst such diverse ‘heroes’ and saving the townsfolk from monsters and ne’er-do-wells. Now, she has finally mustered up the courage to go and approach some of them...though perhaps not in the most ideal circumstances. [/hider]