[@Kinjaav] Aava got up with Evren's help, her expression sour and bitter. [color=teal]"(You are not blind, my friend, yet you can't see what is right before your eyes,)"[/color] Aava replied, disappointed. [color=teal]"(Man of the shadows better stay away, for he is blinded too. I loathe him, I do,)"[/color] she continued, smearing the beads of blood off her palms. Her heart still settling from the madness and anger that had overtaken her, Aava turned away from Evren and went back to examining the shelves, seemingly ignoring his proposal. The water that had ended up on the floor was slowly circling Aava's feet, absorbing into her skin like to a sponge, softening the Näkki's bony features and effectively creating a soft human disguise. [color=teal]"I do not like this place,"[/color] Aava concluded with a thick, Finnish accent, following the claustrophobic Evren outside. As she exited the rattled boutique, Aava glanced back one more time. What a strange establishment. On the street Aava noticed for what seemed like the first time that something in their surroundings was fundamentally different. It was as if the air wasn't as pure and clean. It had the faintest smell of pollution to it. It was also more humid than Aava was used to, it was not the way she remembered the land. How far away from her lake was she? [color=teal]"(My lake is there, yes? Home, lake. I wish to go home with you,)"[/color] Aava mused.